What do Loop Cartel, Acoustica, Presonus, Sound Trends,Loopmasters, Sony Creative Software, Peace LoveProductions, and Soundtrack Loops all have in common?Answer: Jason Donnelly ( Dj Puzzle). Donnelly hasproduced over 30,000 loops and hundreds of loop packs formost of the world's largest sample companies. He has overa decade of production time clocked in this industry. It's verylikely you've heard Donnelly's music and sounds alreadywhether you realize it or not. If his music isn't in yourcollection, there's a good chance his loops are in bundledwith the music you're using, a video game you just played,or in a T V show.He has spun records for many years in the Chicagolandarea and in Madison Wi but his focus is on musicproduction. His most recent accomplishments includesigning a 5 disc release with Sony Creative Software butproducing