I started my musical career in late 2009. That time it was nothing more than just a hobby. My first tracks were not as good as now, but time is running, and 2 months later i had enough skill and inspiration to write an awesome track (Style Mistake - Hate), which was played almost instantly on Despotin' Beat Club show on ZipFM and is still sounds as cool as earlier. It was played in many blogs, mixes and radios. After producing a lot of tracks, I made a break for a year. I spent a lot of time on finding my own sounding and style. The break has suddenly ended after the "Gettin To You" tune was born in collaboration with Makdett on Sound Cloud meeting event. This track collected almost 1000 plays
Latest Releases
100 Sporty Workout Mixes
Crew 7, DJ Sakin, Stereoliner, S.o.B.Beats, Nick Domie, Sixty Sleepers, New Neon, Pumuq, Cazintel, Gordon Raddei, Soundlounge, Deejay Chris White, Raw Conscience, Robertiano Filigrano, DJ Arvie, Sanorum, Chris Tunes, Bluezy, Dernier Cri, La Leyenda Negra, Peer Van Mladen, Mauro Panello, Pepa, Dr. Malade, Tildbros, Tilda Gold, Mimi, Stefan Zintel, Dean M., Ron Ravolta, Emixfair, Kolna Mgharba, Dj Green Khaki, Style Mistake, Mixwill, So Phistry, Tad Hutchens, Chillo, N.D.A., Chris Galmon, Rock-Candy, Romanto, Out Of The Drum, Fantasy Project, Degreezero, Bifath, Niko De Luka, The 80's Ghetto Collective, Masterbeat, Sun Kidz, Sandra, Cagan Nazlioglu, Sunrider, Sentenela, Shebe, GoodGuy, WE R 1, Various Artists, DJ Subsonic, Justin Becks, Dreamwalker, Barquero, Baldachi, Corina, Mangoon, Big Box, Fabrizio E Marco, Paranoja Crank Dance Remix Edition, Amsterdamm, Roody Van Hype, Destiny, Deep.Spirit, David Hopperman, Nick Waters, Calabria, Marc Lener, Kilu, Marco, DJ Blisco, S.T.B., Kathy, DJ The Bass, Math Delekian, Surisan, DJ Kajjin, Eva Marti, El-tone, David Amani, John Davis, Orange Connection, Icon, Cera, Frost, David Posor, Jaybee, Manao, 3X Music
Dubstep Clubhits
Viktor, Style Mistake, Razihel, I Carl, Brain Rock, Datacode, Subjazz, Subject Lost, Da Breakers, Herb Dean, Sqz Me, Nick, Hack, Vegas House, Singin Gold, Stikerz, Helmut Hunes, Infra, Bassrael, Cadaver, The Ramaboy, Ans, Degreezero, Alldegrees, Dani Galenda, Igness, Sub Basics, Jamie Namara, Danielle Melody
Dubstep Impressions
Barron, Brain Rock, Defkon, Subject Lost, Vegas House, Princess X, Ans, Matoa, BadKlaat, Enigmatic Euphoria, Cookie Monsta, Stikerz, Celestex Mylo, KLRGRM, Whoisthis?, Monkey Phonic, Gantcho, Grimehouse, Mokushi, Dirty Little Touster, T.I.L.F., Filibration, Mc Mad Melody, Sektor 122, Viktor, Zeus, Chronos, Style Mistake, Down Under, Razihel, I Carl