Latest Releases
Take It to the Hardcore, Vol. 5
Sven Neawolf, Ceferial, Cement Tea, Cemon Victa, Cemtex, Cenobit, Cerebral Bomb, Cesare De Lucia, Ch3oh, Chaos, Charly Beck, Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo, Chefetage, Cheinx, Chem D, Chicagoboy, Children of Core, Chiodo, Chlorophyll, Cholerix, Chris S., Christian Schachinger, Chriz Unknown, Corpus Illuminatum, Corrupted Minds, Cosmic Radio, Counterfeit, Cradle, Crazy E, Crazy We R, CrazyGabber, Kick & Kôllekt, Crime1minister
In The Name Of House #27
Loui & Scibi, Matvey Emerson, Alex Hook, Max Lyazgin, JazzyFunk, Ron Carroll, Tim Andresen, Ksky, Chemical Play, Alejandro Romero, Raul Garcia, Martin Zambrano, Andy Reynolds, Dakin Auret, Justin Jay, Savvas, Yigit Atilla, Greenfish, Polar Lights, Luke Form, Spennu, Mockbeat, Jelly For The Babies, Jochen Pash
Re:Commended - Deep House Edition, Vol. 4
Romano Meinert, Flauschig, Pete Dueckmann, Tom Glombik, This is I, Kieran Fowkes, Alex Raider, Steve Moro, Dots Per Inch, Monovakzin, Laura, Autodidact, Marcelo Wallace, Richard Archon, Dakin Auret, Fabry Pandolfo, Stephane Deschezeaux, Chriss Ronson, bruno costa, Tentakel, Kai Limberger, Dr. Beat, Sanna Hartfield, Andlee, Elanetique, Richard Wasc, Tim Le Funk