Teqnimal was born the day 27-05-2012 of the union of Dk & Victor Ivan Bascu, both residents of the city of Barcelona. If somehow you could define serious Teqnimal sets the union of Minimal harder and forceful with the grace and dignity characteristic of Techno, and of course with a stage in the craziest cabin.After four months hovering several rooms in the old city and surrounding area including: Little Jungle (Mataro), the old room Madamme (Bcn) sharing the stage with dj's such as Dj Pepo, Paula Cazenave, etc... Become part of the Asphixia collective Group booking the day 07-09- 2012 with official presentation with the great dj's and M de Miguel and Rabent, commonly known as Technolastics, Mark King and T he Mind (Spain). Since then they have played at