Although Raynor Bruges ( a.k.a Kleine Dondersteen (literally translated; ‘Little Thunderstone’, and in English probably better translated as; ‘Little Rascall’) never had a lack of interest in music, he started at relatively old age with DJ-ing. After a year of practicing with a Midi-controller, Raynor Bruges had built up enough confidence to spin some records in front of an audience.What followed was a list of student party’s and similar events in and around Amsterdam in venues like: the Escape Venue, Odeon, Club Stalker (Haarlem) and Blm9(Bloemendaal). Things have gone quick since then; these day’s Raynor Bruges is localy known as resident DJ at party’s TikTak, Ex Porn Star, Vunzige Deuntjes and a list of various party’s at Club Stalker.If you had to describe Raynor Bruges in one word, it would