It’s a pleasure, we’re the KUDDEDIEREN. We thank our livesto everyone who comepletely agree about everything witheach other, everyone who takes the same point of view, andeveryone who parrots.Change? Not neccesary. Preferably more of the same. Stepup and join our adventure, just like erybody else does.Expierence it yourself, just like the rest of us. We would loveto take you on this great, sense activating, tour. Expectmusic, expect visuals, expect alhocol, expect food, expectsex. (Also known as the first needs)The obvious chat from house to hiphop and back viadancehall and reggae is applied for us as wel. Playing from70 BPM to 150 and every number in between. 90% is veryfemale-friendly but now and then we make a big change tosome good electro of dubstep. You already knew all of this?That’s good