Latest Releases
Ibiza Opening Fiesta 2018
Dope Digital, Ragel Mood, Tos, Middle Milk, Mumblin' Johnsson, Rotan, Demoe Beats, Saltitude, Morgan Hicks, Carbo, Windcheater, Quick Fix, Frowin Von Boyen, Bad Tempo, George Johnson, Versus 5, Hollway, Lou Van Stone, Arrigo, K1T, Basis, Aquaholic, Jeff Kolhede, Godswill, Jana Kask, Mai Skizo, Kiwi Funk, nitefal, KC4K, A. Shirley, Bitclic, Travis Royce, MG, Jeff Souza, 14BIS, Maximilian G, Parker-T, Ach Era, Cmrk, House Sector One, Martin Alix, The Arsenic Lovers, Baldo Oronzo
Trance Anthems 2016
DETIN8ION, Justin Valentino, Hollway, Lou Van Stone, Sasha Plus, No Body, Craig G, Raff, Hypster, Just Yellow, Demoe Beats, Alex Marciano, Nathan Brumley, George Johnson, Gabry Flores, Edelways, KLIMT WESTWOOD, Xia, Leukas, TrendBeats, Legross, Tomas Balaz, Demusick, Joe Garston, Andrew Farr, EllarSound, Eddy.T, Malakes
Amsterdam Dance Event 2016 (Deluxe Edition)
D Juiz, Besford, Mol, Gravel, Cyd, Clefomat, KLIMT WESTWOOD, Miles Dyson, Aaren San, BBK, FlexXTronic, Versus 5, Rawry, MG, K1T, Colyder, Deni Stojmenov, Elan Myles, Hypster, Arcadia 87, 20KID, xPx, Unicod, Antrix, Jim Hendrix, Devogue, Jay Mexx, Akuma, FTC, Eduardo De Rosa, Forte, Frowin Von Boyen, Craig Delaney, nitefal, Sound Knight, Hollway, Lou Van Stone, Ondrej Semyrka, TimeKube, George Johnson, Monstergetdown, Gareth Whitehead, Ryan Taubman, Taekwandokid, Maxxa, Keine Moniker, J.Quest
Amsterdam Dance Event 2016
D Juiz, Besford, Mol, Gravel, Cyd, Clefomat, KLIMT WESTWOOD, Miles Dyson, Aaren San, BBK, FlexXTronic, Versus 5, Rawry, MG, K1T, Colyder, Deni Stojmenov, Elan Myles, Hypster, Arcadia 87, 20KID, xPx, Unicod, Antrix, Jim Hendrix, Devogue, Jay Mexx, Akuma, FTC, Eduardo De Rosa, Forte, Frowin Von Boyen, Craig Delaney, nitefal, Sound Knight, Hollway, Lou Van Stone, Ondrej Semyrka, TimeKube, George Johnson, Monstergetdown
Progressive House Essentials Vol. 03
Raff, Hypster, Angry Wasp, Aaren San, Coochie, The Blue-Veined Hooligans, Daniel Butler, Federland, Rusky Rusk, Frank The Tank, Afro Horse, UCast, Sasha Plus, D.Shane, Ragel Mood, Hollway, Lou Van Stone, Mekanik, Ismail An's, Morfeo, Oscar Troya, I.M.T.B, Justin Valentino, Mederic, Atmos (IT), Ajvas, JNLk, Ken Takano, Alexx, Dinklebot, Rondeck, Michael Clark, Malakes
Festival Anthems 2016 (Deluxe Edition)
Ted Nilsson, Mikey Dalton, Jeff Daniels, Tara Lett, Save The Rave, Cedric Vian, DJ LP, Joss H, Kill Dyl, Yenn, Daniel Butler, Bruno Barudi, Gianni Kosta, Mord Fustang, Hypster, Sally Garozzo, K.Swiff, Striker, Aaren San, Olivia Barbera, Melie, Frank The Tank, Afro Horse, Sasha Plus, Rjabinski, Boris Bredin, Kyle G, Miles Dyson, Mr. Duder, Aleksey Burn, Oscar Cooper, Thomas Ray, Ragel Mood, Versus 5, James Acosta, Art Balkovsky, Parsley Joe, BlueDrak3, DJ Equan, Arrigo, L.A.Z.E.R., Galactix, Ecotek, Futuristik, Kiltek, Kelvin., Will-Em, Dream Chaos, I.M.T.B, Dav'bond, nitefal, Hollway, Lou Van Stone, Ricky Rough, Chris Cipher
Ibiza Blue (Deluxe Edition)
Aaren San, Ragel Mood, Greeoons, Aeroloid, Lupo, JRF, Melie, Rusky Rusk, Hypster, Sally Garozzo, K.Swiff, Thomas Ray, Tiara, Sasha Plus, Daniel Butler, Planet Noize, James Acosta, Nanophonyk, Yellow Laces, Jesse Hutton, Jonathan Groisil, Versus 5, Marc Lawrence, Mona Lisa, R.O.N.N., FlashlightFX, Rotan, Parsley Joe, Carter Mason, BlueDrak3, JKR (UK), Owen Jones, Mord Fustang, Hollway, Lou Van Stone, tom the kid, Virtion, Lucky Nicky, Deyno, Stan Castillo, Ricky Rough, Jana Kask, Chris Cipher, Last Island, SEROK, Tamara Hall, Soroccos, Parkinson, Orby, BeatNMore, A. Shirley
Ibiza Blue
Aaren San, Ragel Mood, Greeoons, Aeroloid, Lupo, JRF, Melie, Rusky Rusk, Hypster, Sally Garozzo, K.Swiff, Thomas Ray, Tiara, Sasha Plus, Daniel Butler, Planet Noize, James Acosta, Nanophonyk, Yellow Laces, Jesse Hutton, Jonathan Groisil, Versus 5, Marc Lawrence, Mona Lisa, R.O.N.N., FlashlightFX, Rotan, Parsley Joe, Carter Mason, BlueDrak3, JKR (UK), Owen Jones, Mord Fustang, Hollway, Lou Van Stone, tom the kid, Virtion, Lucky Nicky, Deyno, Stan Castillo, Ricky Rough, Jana Kask, Chris Cipher, Last Island, Tamara Hall, SEROK
Ibiza Club House 2016
Middle Milk, Jackie Tech, Ragel Mood, Aaren San, Donique, Jonny Calypso, Fleurr, Max Freegrant, Filtered Phunk, The Soulbrothers, Megaman, Gasman, TheRio, Demoe Beats, Pierce G, Sprtn, Hypster, Niqi, Janek, Rotan, Javi Garcia, Dope Digital, Hollway, Lou Van Stone, Maximilian G, Parker-T, Basis, K1T, Alex Luciano, Jp.Moa, Kiwi Funk, Versus 5, nitefal, Fabio Macor, Jana Kask, Mai Skizo, A. Shirley, Bitclic, Travis Royce, House Sector One, 14BIS, Ach Era, Cmrk, Martin Alix, Sound Knight, The Arsenic Lovers