Clif Jack, a renowned artist, began his musical journey as a DJ, exploring minimal/deep sounds and collaborating with Digital Traffik in 2012. In 2014, he expanded his reach by hosting a radio show on Ibiza Global Radio. From 2015, Clif Jack gained recognition with the "Penelope Mystra" project, a traveling electronic music event that made an impact in Venice, Berlin, and Barcelona. In 2017, he further solidified his reputation as an innovative artist with the inception of the event "Spirit" at the renowned venue "Extra Extra" in Padua, Italy. Becoming a resident DJ at Il Muretto, a prominent Italian club, in 2018, Clif Jack shared the stage with respected DJs such as Derrick May, Amelie Lens, Timo Maas, Satoshi Tomiie, Miss Kittin, Davide Squillace, and many others, elevating his status in the industry. Since