Zwei K. is a duo consisting of Philipp Konnert and Daniel Kaltofen who have both released Tracks under their names on Noreira Records ,Platform 7even and Tanzbar. Now they have joined to formed the project Zwei K. Their sound shows love of detail and mirrors various artistic facets of electronic music in their own special way. The listener is submerged in a world that is groovy ,melodic and sometimes dreamy.
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David Heine, Khaled Abdrabo, Robert Delaney, OCLUM, Karlos Molina, Eduardo Tristao, Irent Sted, Jack Carlu, CANVI, Alex Rain, Buben, Hendrik Omun, Ben Deeper, Ustica, Sascha Kloeber, Thomas Lizzara, Danniel Selfmade, MODOR, Abbelard, Another Mind, Ambush, Marc Hoffmann, Jeff Rush, Sibel, Unique Repeat, Seeleâ, VegaZ SL, Leandro Castillo, Mesh Black, Obrotka
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