Chemnitz City is not really the hub of the world with all its industrial fallow land but it seems that the city is again and again having enough agars t o bear unique music. Producer and liveact Markus Harzdorf alias Queaver is one of the best examples. It was the end of 2001 when the Karl-Marx-Stadt born Markus joined forces with his well- known musical partner Versis for a producer & liveact duo after a long jam session: Queaver & Versis was born. The first official appearance as a liveact happened at Alter Bahnhof Halsbrucke in april 2002. More gigs took place in that year among others at legendary Club Achtermai Chemnitz. The ultimate breakthrough for Queaver & Versis came with their co-operation with Carsten Rechenberger & Recall 8 and