Vintage synth fetishist and genuine circuit-bending whiz, Vincent Fries alias Italo Brutalo is no typical dealer of hardware- squeezed juice. Tapping in the endless potentialities of his analogue army of retro machinery, the German producer has built a sound ID that defies conventions and takes pride in trespassing all the frontiers and limitations associated to the etiolated map of dance music styles. From EBM-laced rhythms to jagged techno motifs, via off-pistes divagations into electro, disco, hip-hop and kosmische spaces, Italo Brutalo writes a story of genre-busting, all-embracing love for the primordial groove. Having first dabbled into production through the studio equipment of his father, young Fries quickly caught the virus of music-making and its idiosyncratic logic, using all the means within his reach to turn his ideas into actual pieces of sound. With over 25