Since his first release on Logistic record "Love bluff e.p.",and many starts with live performances and singles or remixes productions,Brett Longman has a lot of experience playing all over Europe and a pretty extensive discography to say the least..His creativity associated with his production skillsjust makes him one of the most versatile artist today.From rythmique minimal techno to road movie blues or melodic songs,he is now entering a Crooner techno genre that he is inventing along the way. People are amazed by the originality of his work and the overall darkness solely focused on the purpose of sensuality.
Latest Releases
Smooved - Deep House Collection Vol. 30
Shyam P, Danijel Kostic, Just Karl, Oliver Sylo, Rashid Ajami, Jako Diaz, Maxim Kurtys, Sean Norvis, Irina Florea, Nick AG, Mat Hold, Mr & Mrs Q, Brazylero, Arcade 82, Jordan Parker, Sylow, Brett Longman, Nineteen Ninety, Talul, bruno costa, Jorek, Underscorer, Cambis, Florzinho, Jesper Lund, Alexander Saykov, La Rose
Minimal Puzzlebox, Vol. 5 - A Selection of Minimal Electro Music
Heron, Duoteque, Frank Martiniq, Doublewave, Min&Mal, Kolombo, Solee, Loopschrauber, Emmanuel Ternois, Little Fritter, Sash Liq, Freddy Hetzinger, Antientertainers, Ivan Komlinovic, Benn Lian, James Kelley, Toubi McWeird, Nebes, Bastian Albrecht, Kai Limberger, Stop Thinking, Brett Longman, Yefim Malko, Dima Bigulaev, Andrey Budassi, D.N.2.P.S.
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