Terry Da Libra, a veteran leader in our ranks, graces us with another year of mellifluous contributions, beginning with "Melodia," a 3-track trance and progressive EP. In 2018, the Greek phenom began infusing his productions with an overall deeper sensibility. This...
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Sun:Sets 2018 (Selected by Chicane) - Extended Versions
Halftribe, Thomas Datt, Alex Blest, Tontario, Steve Brian, Danalog, Way Out West, Chicane, Lifelike, Kris Menace, SHato, Paul Rockseek, Alex Humphreys, Furkan Senol, The Midnight, Jody Wisternoff, Sian Evans, Dezza, Blood Groove, Kikis, Clarks, Sam Davies, Alex O'Rion, Michael Woods, Erick Morillo, Eddie Thoneick, Angel Taylor, Ilan Bluestone, Andrew Bayer, Metrik, Reija Lee, Srey Davi, Alyx Ander, Keeno, Kiasmos, Lange, PROFF, Hugo Allen, Tyler Schauman, Joris Voorn, Thomas Schwartz, Fausto Fanizza, Choir Of Young Believers, Andre Sobota, Ruben De Ronde, Bo Bruce, Guy Preston, DT8 Project, Mory Kante, Alex Lotus, Eleven.Five, Arielle Maren, Yotto, Bikslow, Jerome Isma-Ae, Cramp, Grafix, Fred V