Latest Releases
Buddha Hotel Suite Special
Life Audience, Coral Chiller, Ingo Herrmann, Sannan, Bogar, Zongeri, Katoey, Bahramji, Mashti, Santah, Lazy Hammock, Ivan M, Yantra Mantra, Eddie Silverton, Northbound, Billy Esteban, RhodeScreen, Nasser Shibani, Soulavenue, PNFA, Kovacs, Francois Maugame, Dubdiver, Guss, Urban Chill, Living Room, Mazelo Nostra, Stepo Del Sol, Beach Messiah, Red Buddha, Michael E
Klangwelten - Ambient, Lounge & Chillhouse
Mari Billa, New Electronic Symphony, His Name is Frank, Jupiter Jack, Planet Paradise, Tropicon, White Diamond Bay, Hot & Chilled, Maurice Scoville, Miguel Lando, Pusteblume, Mykel Mars, Primo Lopez, The Chillseekers, Dshyll, Eddy Chrome, Heinz Simmer, Cheap Sunglasses, Agent Juno, Michael Ruland, Hotel Stereo, Miss Caramelle, Deep Azur, Secret Ibiza, Dopa Amin, DJ Absinth, Skendo, Xavier Baptist, Tom Hold, Magaluu, Jonathan Kygoo, Digital Orchestra Berlin, Charactana, Hawaiian Love, Eternal Peace, Cats Love Dogs, More Flowers, we:us, Wonderlights, Wolkenlos, Sounds of Summer, Sam Swift, Paul Murs, Vio Beach, Moondiver, Rocklike, Everbeat, Soda Lounge, Silk Grooves, Paradise Airlines, MV Mars, Afrochuck, Defcon 9, About Vegas, Sky Edwards, Rimini Jones, Pure Blue Sky, Complex Natura, Speven Stielberg, Sky And Sand, Mister Paul, Blue Drift, Urban Chill, Kiss Audio, My Island
Ultimate Downbeat Electro, Vol. 2
Krojc, dorntec., Mr. Beatz, Evan Rowe, Genom, Oldschool Rocker, Tenda, Urban Chill, Muk.ti, Nebyla, Manoya, Dusty, Renga, Violet Rocket, Sven Karjesvjoern, Void Controller, Da Flave, Bright Light Syndrome, Jed Rabid, Clark Parker, Letherdive, Symbiz Sound, V Dimension, Der Cube, Amber Long, Jolly Roger, Adam Mainka, The Oscillatorz
Cafe Chillout: Lounge del Mar 2017
Soda Lounge, Mykel Mars, Eddy Chrome, Cats Love Dogs, Digital Orchestra Berlin, Sam Swift, Miguel Lando, Miss Caramelle, Hot & Chilled, we:us, Afrochuck, Streets of Brazil, Angelina Copa, Costa da Liberdade, More Flowers, Milkbar Rockers, King Loui, Sergio Banana, Silk Grooves, Paradise Airlines, MV Mars, Defcon 9, My Island, Bobby Escobar, Dobk, Maurice Scoville, Sky And Sand, No Panties Allowed, Jessie Pinkman, Urban Chill, Kiss Audio
Winter Chillout 2017
Agent Juno, Paul Murs, Soda Lounge, DJ Absinth, Toca Lounge, Jonas Pety, Skendo, Xavier Baptist, New Electronic Symphony, Jonathan Kygoo, Planet Paradise, Hawaiian Love, Tropicon, Mykel Mars, Eddy Chrome, Michael Ruland, Skaei, Hotel Stereo, Cats Love Dogs, Digital Orchestra Berlin, Sam Swift, Pusteblume, we:us, Miss Caramelle, Miguel Lando, His Name is Frank, Afrochuck, More Flowers, Milkbar Rockers, Jessie Pinkman, Blue Drift, Urban Chill, Kiss Audio, Exit Mars, Mister Paul
Chilli Vanilli, Vol. 1
Eddy Chrome, Maurice Scoville, Miguel Lando, Magaluu, His Name is Frank, Sam Swift, Cheap Sunglasses, Wolkenlos, Skaei, Everbeat, Digital Orchestra Berlin, Hotel Stereo, Angels & Rebels, Mykel Mars, Streets of Brazil, Jupiter Jack, Vio Beach, Jessie Pinkman, Blue Drift, Urban Chill, Sky And Sand, Tropicon, Mari Billa, Jonathan Kygoo
Tenerife Chillout Lounge
Hot & Chilled, The Parent, Endless All, Hotel Stereo, Lounge Hours, J. Jensen, Sam Swift, Bianca, His Name is Frank, Nicole, Miguel Lando, Fabbro, Angel Falls, Alex Nöthlich, DJ Cattail, Urban Chill, Marebo, Bananaquit, Jupiter Jack, Pusteblume, Kiss Audio, Angelina Copa, Spiritual Soul, Cafe Royale, Oliver Bäckström, Lazypojke, Exit Mars, Mike Rules, Wonderlights, Oscar Stringz, Fortress of Graves, Gabriel Florea, Dirk M. Schumacher, Sky And Sand, Andy Elliass, Bobby Deep, Digital Orchestra Berlin, Chiffre 100, Carlo Peralta, Collective Sound Members, Blue Drift, Mykel Mars, Aksutique, Lisa, DJ Lopo, Costa da Liberdade, Rimini Jones, MARIA, Bahia de Roses, Bonsugi, Solanos, Cane Garden Quartet, Maurizio Piacente, Dalise, Jessie Pinkman, Mister Paul
Best of Bikini Sounds - 5th Anniversary - Chillout & Lounge Edition
Eddy Chrome, Miguel Lando, Hotel Stereo, His Name is Frank, Agent Juno, Rocklike, Urban Chill, Kiss Audio, Tonliebe, Sky Edwards, Mykel Mars, we:us, Pusteblume, Costa da Liberdade, Sky And Sand, Maurice Scoville, Hot & Chilled, Complex Natura, Pure Blue Sky, White Diamond Bay, Dobk, About Vegas, Bobby Escobar, My Island, Angelina Copa, Defcon 9, Exit Mars, Speven Stielberg, MV Mars, Silk Grooves, Paradise Airlines, Sergio Banana, King Loui, Moondiver, Milkbar Rockers, More Flowers, Afrochuck, Miss Caramelle, Streets of Brazil, Vio Beach, Jupiter Jack, Paul Murs, Sam Swift
Chillout Deluxe
Jupiter Jack, Sam Swift, Miss Caramelle, Miguel Lando, Hot & Chilled, Hotel Stereo, Pusteblume, we:us, Wonderlights, Cafe Cape Town, Digital Orchestra Berlin, Paul Murs, His Name is Frank, Vio Beach, Streets of Brazil, Angelina Copa, Costa da Liberdade, More Flowers, Zebra City, Rocklike, Agent Juno, Mykel Mars, Milkbar Rockers, Rimini Jones, Wolkenlos, Sounds of Summer, Ambient Circus, Moondiver, King Loui, Sergio Banana, Garry Black, Eddy Chrome, Cheap Sunglasses, Junior Crew, MV Mars, Silk Grooves, Paradise Airlines, Speven Stielberg, Defcon 9, My Island, Bobby Escobar, Enaya, Tonliebe, Ibiza Groove Squad, About Vegas, Sky Edwards, Dobk, Michael Ruland, White Diamond Bay, Pure Blue Sky, Complex Natura, Maurice Scoville, Sky And Sand, Mister Paul, No Panties Allowed, Exit Mars, Kiss Audio, Urban Chill, Blue Drift, Jessie Pinkman
Pure Chillout 2015
More Flowers, Miguel Lando, Agent Juno, Mykel Mars, Eddy Chrome, Angelina Copa, Milkbar Rockers, Ambient Circus, Moondiver, Paradise Airlines, Speven Stielberg, Zebra City, Defcon 9, Costa da Liberdade, My Island, Bobby Escobar, Tonliebe, About Vegas, Sky Edwards, Dobk, Michael Ruland, Silk Grooves, White Diamond Bay, Pure Blue Sky, Complex Natura, Streets of Brazil, Maurice Scoville, Sky And Sand, Mister Paul, MV Mars, No Panties Allowed, Exit Mars, Kiss Audio, Urban Chill, Blue Drift, Jessie Pinkman
Bar Alexa - Finest Lounge & Chillout Selection
Streets of Brazil, Eddy Chrome, Mykel Mars, More Flowers, Agent Juno, Moondiver, Ambient Circus, King Loui, Silk Grooves, Angelina Copa, Paradise Airlines, Speven Stielberg, Defcon 9, My Island, Bobby Escobar, Tonliebe, About Vegas, Sky Edwards, Costa da Liberdade, Dobk, Milkbar Rockers, Michael Ruland, MV Mars, White Diamond Bay, Pure Blue Sky, Complex Natura, Angel Buzz, Sergio Banana, Maurice Scoville, Miguel Lando, Sky And Sand, Mister Paul, Rocklike, No Panties Allowed, Exit Mars, Kiss Audio, Zebra City, Urban Chill, Blue Drift, Jessie Pinkman
Winter Chillout 2014
Sounds of Summer, Eddy Chrome, Miguel Lando, Kiss Audio, Speven Stielberg, White Diamond Bay, Cheap Sunglasses, Junior Crew, Mykel Mars, Bobby Escobar, MV Mars, Defcon 9, My Island, Tonliebe, About Vegas, Sky Edwards, Ibiza Groove Squad, Exit Mars, Silk Grooves, Dobk, Sergio Banana, Michael Ruland, Pure Blue Sky, Complex Natura, Maurice Scoville, Sky And Sand, Mister Paul, No Panties Allowed, Paradise Airlines, King Loui, Long Island Ice Tea, Mike Rules, Urban Chill, Blue Drift, Jessie Pinkman
Home Sweet Home: Chillout & Lounge
Eddy Chrome, Bobby Escobar, Sergio Banana, Cheap Sunglasses, Junior Crew, Schwarz & Funk, MV Mars, Long Island Ice Tea, Mykel Mars, Speven Stielberg, Defcon 9, V I F, Lola Palmer, My Island, Christian Hornbostel, Tom & J., Ibiza Groove Squad, Baghira, Tonliebe, Promid, About Vegas, Sky Edwards, Freakhouze, Paradise Airlines, Mar Tini, Dobk, Michael Ruland, White Diamond Bay, Pure Blue Sky, Heso, Ladale, Maurice Scoville, Miguel Lando, Silk Grooves, peot, Sky And Sand, Mister Paul, No Panties Allowed, Exit Mars, Kiss Audio, Urban Chill, Jessie Pinkman, Sunset Session Group, Mark Khoen, Complex Natura, Collective Sound Members, Blue Drift, Aruso, Changer
Tropic Beach Lounge
Afrik Bawantu, Tranquilo, Christian Hornbostel, Phonic Lounge, Gerson S, The Party Eddie, The E.D. Project, Don Gorda Project, Enrico Donner, Judy Georges, Silent Breeze, Kusuma Orchestra, Cane Garden Quartet, DJ Riquo, Therr Maitz, Best Of Chillout Lounge, Urban Chill, Aquarius, ! Tram 4, Audio Lounge System, Blue Drift, Avril Stevens, One Cafe, Liquid Kings, Solanos, Sake Lovers, Ess Aitch, Alluvion, Cosmic Quest
Coconut Beach Lounge
Eddy Chrome, Mykel Mars, Mike Rules, MV Mars, Silk Grooves, Paradise Airlines, Pure Blue Sky, Speven Stielberg, My Island, Bobby Escobar, Ibiza Groove Squad, Sky Edwards, The Buttonheads, About Vegas, Dobk, Michael Ruland, White Diamond Bay, Complex Natura, Miguel Lando, Einstone, Secret Ibiza, Mario Castello, Audiolove, Maurice Scoville, Sky And Sand, Mister Paul, No Panties Allowed, Exit Mars, Defcon 9, Kiss Audio, Urban Chill, Jessie Pinkman, Enaya, Pearls Of Ibiza, Tonliebe
Cafe Chillout - Lounge del Mar
Eddy Chrome, Bobby Escobar, My Island, MV Mars, Miguel Lando, Speven Stielberg, White Diamond Bay, Kiss Audio, Silk Grooves, Defcon 9, Tonliebe, About Vegas, Sky Edwards, Paradise Airlines, Dobk, Michael Ruland, Pure Blue Sky, Complex Natura, Mykel Mars, Maurice Scoville, Sky And Sand, Mister Paul, Exit Mars, Urban Chill, Blue Drift, Jessie Pinkman, Enaya
Sunset to Sunrise - The Soundtrack of Your Partynight
Ibiza Groove Squad, Eddy Chrome, Pearls Of Ibiza, About Vegas, Sky Edwards, Einstone, Double Deep, Dj Rafael Marino, Dana Blade, Mykel Mars, John Disco, DJ Absinth Project, Groovebot, Hype Intro, The Quickhitters, Danceheat, Nova Discoteque, Miss Caramelle, Yaneena, Cash & Love, Mydca, Mario Castello, The Loop of Life, Earsome, Dr. Nexus, Million Colours, Afrochuck, Angel Buzz, Filtercut, Prash, General Wooky, Captain Basscut, Brooklyn House Bangers, Absolute Dancefloor, Big Zero, Fit For Sound, Epic Beat, Clarity Of Sound, Agent Juno, Miami Thrift Shop, Hotel Stereo, Skaei, The Sublovers, Mike Rules, Aruso, Kai Sheen, DJ Absinth, Massenkuss, Toxotis, Audiolove, Jack the Cat, Secret Ibiza, Hans Justin, No Panties Allowed, Tonliebe, Enaya, Dobk, Kiss Audio, Urban Chill, Miguel Lando, White Diamond Bay, Michael Ruland, Complex Natura, Sky And Sand, Maurice Scoville, Mister Paul, Pure Blue Sky
Deine Nacht - Von Sonnenuntergang bis Sonnenaufgang
Ibiza Groove Squad, Eddy Chrome, About Vegas, Sky Edwards, Pearls Of Ibiza, Miss Caramelle, Yaneena, Nova Discoteque, Cash & Love, Mydca, Mykel Mars, Groovebot, John Disco, DJ Absinth Project, Absolute Dancefloor, General Wooky, Million Colours, Afrochuck, Dr. Nexus, The Loop of Life, Earsome, Mario Castello, Angel Buzz, Filtercut, Prash, Big Zero, Double Deep, Dana Blade, Danceheat, Brooklyn House Bangers, Dj Rafael Marino, Fit For Sound, Epic Beat, Clarity Of Sound, Hype Intro, The Quickhitters, Agent Juno, Miami Thrift Shop, Hotel Stereo, Mike Rules, Aruso, Skaei, The Sublovers, DJ Absinth, Massenkuss, Captain Basscut, Kai Sheen, Hans Justin, Jack the Cat, Einstone, Audiolove, Toxotis, Secret Ibiza, Enaya, No Panties Allowed, Tonliebe, Dobk, Kiss Audio, Urban Chill, White Diamond Bay, Miguel Lando, Complex Natura, Sky And Sand, Michael Ruland, Mister Paul, Maurice Scoville, Pure Blue Sky
Dream Sensation - Chillout, Lounge & Trance
Mykel Mars, Bobby Escobar, Kiss Audio, Eddy Chrome, Pure Blue Sky, White Diamond Bay, Complex Natura, Michael Ruland, Angel Buzz, Sky Edwards, Enaya, Ibiza Groove Squad, Mario Castello, Tonliebe, Einstone, Maurice Scoville, Sky And Sand, About Vegas, Dana Blade, Absolute Dancefloor, Paolo Martinez, Miguel Lando, My Island, Mister Paul, Dobk, No Panties Allowed, Exit Mars, Urban Chill, Blue Drift, Jessie Pinkman, Mike Rules, Dj Rafael Marino, Earsome, The Loop of Life
Eat Sleep Chill Repeat
Eddy Chrome, Bobby Escobar, Mykel Mars, My Island, Miguel Lando, Tonliebe, About Vegas, Sky Edwards, Dobk, Michael Ruland, White Diamond Bay, Pure Blue Sky, Complex Natura, Maurice Scoville, Sky And Sand, Mister Paul, No Panties Allowed, Exit Mars, Kiss Audio, Urban Chill, Blue Drift, Jessie Pinkman, Angel Buzz, Enaya
Miami Chillout
Eddy Chrome, Sky Edwards, Urban Chill, Kiss Audio, Mykel Mars, Miguel Lando, Pure Blue Sky, Complex Natura, Blue Drift, Sky And Sand, Jessie Pinkman, Exit Mars, No Panties Allowed, Maurice Scoville, Dobk, Mister Paul, Michael Ruland, Angel Buzz, White Diamond Bay, Ibiza Groove Squad, Einstone, Tonliebe, Pearls Of Ibiza, Enaya, About Vegas, Full Moon Funk
Top Relaxing Wellness Chillout&spa Music
Melisma Ryan, Cosmic Mantis, DJ Sakin, Erio Dono, Cosmic Future, Mirko Bollhagen, Aleksey Zhahin, Mandala Fields, Laidback Chill, T-jay Sixx, Ray Past, Groove Control, KT, Heso, Infinity Space, Urban Chill, Ampetermin, Oscar Salguero, Serset, Chill Destination H262, Blue Wave, Michael E, Juliet, Cane, Andreas & Micha, Dirty Bra, Skyflash, STJ, Liba, Slickslurp, Odyssey, Taurus, Armin Schweizer, Holographic Dissolve, Chill Luly
Decandencia Chillout 2014
Kiss Audio, Schwarz & Funk, Ann Francis, Mykel Mars, Liquid Kings, Miguel Lando, Lounge O Matic, Maurice Scoville, B Van E, Sky And Sand, Journey To Nowhere, Urban Chill, Avalona, Blue Drift, Jessie Pinkman, Fobee, Kate Walsh, Exit Mars, Christian Hornbostel, Tedjep Soulful House, Electrohertz, Oscar Rodriguez, Volt9, Skifi, Daniele Nacci, Dennis O 'neill, Changer, Anne Clark, Deep Haki, The Funk Pirates, Kate Lesing, Aaron The Baron, Jazz Chillerz, Philip Aniskin, KT, V Dimension, DJ Any, Jalocin, Star Under Construction, EarAbuse, Ellie Rea, Martin Bro, Sanderson Dear, DJ Riquo, T.a., Ldm, Aquarius, Ovia, Tomasz Osmanski, Ambiworx, Marcielo, Pacator, The Sura Quintet
Most Wanted Chill & Lounge 2013
Helfau reload, Oscar Salguero, Dennis O´neill, Lounge O Matic, V Dimension, Fobee, Dreamlounger, Kusuma Orchestra, Mare Mystica, Prussya, Shorpi, Ampetermin, In State Of Flux, Koller, Best Of Chillout Lounge, Jazz Chillerz, Aquarius, Claudio Fiore, Dennis O 'neill, Double Perception, Urban Chill, Heso, Zadar, Roman Schilling, Nixdorux, Diario, Daniele Nacci, Griphen, Tom Greyhair, Premasara Council, Jssst, Infinity Space, Funspreader, Mandala Fields, Marek Bilinski, Ron Ractive, Kate Lesing, Aaron The Baron, Philip Aniskin, Didactic Scalica, Ernesto Gonzalez Jr, Kiss Audio, Marcielo, Pacator, Liquid Kings, Roberto Conforto, Johan Giannis Hynynen, Ganymed, Blue Wave, KT, Marsfinder, Knoult, The Synths, SODA, Jaxs, Radically Pornographic Audiovisual Xperience, St Jean, Hyper Annie, Woltrax, Philli Broke, The Early Worm, Slava Gold, Syntheticsax, Ladale, Soulful-cafe, Mellow Sonic, Katozuka, Kalokagathia Union, Mr Nice, Solindro, U.c.p, Onerus, Tim Besamusca, Floorworx, Groove Genelation, Felipe Amado, G Fox, Room Nine Unlimited, Carlos Estevan, Peter Lagarde, Bardalimov, Cafe Royale, Down Under, Baghira
Ibiza Garden Chill Out Lounge Grooves
Armando Trovajoli, Paco Dj, Squibb, John Soultek, Aida Moniz, The Low Beat Ensemble, The Drum Caballeros, Epic Lounge, Loungeworx, Innate Joy, The Echo of Koenigssee, Tranquilo, Baghira, Ronald Boreas, Don Gorda Project, Zadar, Kusuma Orchestra, No Panties Allowed, The Sura Quintet, Club Camarillo, Christian Hornbostel, Calling Euterpe, Jano De Rhodos, Qbo, Proxy Brides, Arrojas, Therr Maitz, Urban Chill, Stanley Palmeira, Enrico Donner
Smooth Chill Out And Lounge Sounds 2013
The Sura Quintet, Baghira, The E.D. Project, Enrico Donner, Judy Georges, Solanos, Kiss Audio, Therr Maitz, Sanderson Dear, Calling Euterpe, Saba Rock, Sandy Cay, Autor X, Diego Polimeno, Alberto Vigano, Blue Drift, Proxy Brides, Sake Lovers, Aquarius, Oscar Salguero, Club Camarillo, G Jaga, Cosmic Quest, Alkahest, Urban Chill, In State Of Flux, Sonis R, Jommes Tatze, Diario, Miguel Lando, Muner DJ, Collective Sound Members, Shorpi, Samantha Goldfield, T.a., Martin Bro, Cesar Martinez Ensemble, Christian Hornbostel, Prussya, Avril Stevens, Claudio Viti, Frankie D, M.e.e.d., Daniele Nacci, Roman Schilling, Lounge O Matic, Best Of Chillout Lounge, Dennis O´neill, Avalona, Nikos Oikonomou, Liquid Kings
Jet Set Chill
Kiss Audio, Miguel Lando, Lukas Termena, Angelica Borof, Sky And Sand, Mykel Mars, Best Of Chillout Lounge, Avril Stevens, Urban Chill, Jessie Pinkman, Avalona, Prussya, Mister Paul, Blue Drift, Maurice Scoville, Cut N Glue, Martin Bro, Soul Emphasis, Cane Garden Quartet, Solanos, The Sura Quintet, Matrix I.i.i., Silent Breeze, Don Gorda Project, T.a., Exit Mars, Dennis O´neill, Nikos Oikonomou, B.Infinite, Kasper Hate, Jimmy, Raul Carrasco, No Panties Allowed, Corosun, Oscar Rodriguez, Liquid Kings, Ernesto Gonzalez Jr, Elena Leon, Christopher Breeze, In State Of Flux, Oscar Salguero, Alexandra Mell, Aniskin Philip, Claudio Fiore, Cesar Martinez Ensemble, Fobee, Blue Mushroom Recordings, Soulful-cafe, Neyxt, Sonis R, Odyssey, Bobby Deep, Cafe Royale
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