SubSatan makes music for the dancefloors, whether it's in a wherehouse, in the deapths of the forest or blasting in the headphones for the dancefloor in your head. SubSatan started making music around 2010 but it was the music at the first forest party he went to in -11 that came to shape his own outlook towards the kind of music he wanted to make. A steady rythm with intresting breaks, a fat rolling baseline underneath and hi-tech alien leads. He tends to keep keep the tempo in the slower spectrum becuse he feels that it allows the ear to hear more details and becuse the groove of the track becomes more tangible. Have your ears open, becuse there is a lot more coming from this young producer.
Latest Releases
Nothing But... Deep & Minimal Essentials, Vol. 13
Nick Frequency, Unknown Artist, Ruffo, unknown_kazarinov (RU), Acqua, Jamie Fielding, SubSatan, Menary, Sam S, ROM.M, Hidde van Wee, Carl Waller, Kreed., Prince Anizoba, Mike.D, Roy, Iiber, Gregan, Bruno Seijo, Graymaxx, Rich Walker, Rowan, Jay Roman, Smith & Sorren, Jaymalina, 97 Till, Carloz Afonzo, Alex Del Amo
World Best Drum & Bass Music 2014
Plot, Too-sick, Ruff Cutta, Oddsoul, Aved, Rahmanee, Apoklcron, No Limits Project, Substax, Amen B & Verrya, Osmo Band, Fishy, Woodtekr, Damage Inc., Autorun, Iaco, Fred and Flow, Nivanoise, DJ Juicy, Melodize, Joe Largo, Rob Hayes, Xplasm, Triii Force, Mettrax, Aron Scott, Gael, Samantha Clark, Anastasios Papalias, Euphorics, E.p.o.s., Serena Soya, Hot Pink Abuse, Aplex, Cab Canavaral, Pika, Nina K Lucas, Gorebug, J. Dahmer, Centaspike, Praxia, Atroce, Ejected Poison, Suvjet, Trigonometry, BlastikZ, Lab Of Music, Native, Sebastian Hilgenfeld, Wild SpeeD, Mike McPower, Dry-Rot, In State Of Flux, King Chuga, Krispin, Shen Nevan, Lightwarrior, Mr. Smiths, The Cow, Deimos, Simali, Da Artizt, Subver5ion, J-damm, Preetesh, Kyia, Whatson, Schinowatz Bobofkof, Liquid Hands, Ebasson, Stiopa, Gasmask71, BIOSYS, Captain Panic, Laz Loz, Dj Vredek, Ground Hero, M4t, Foster, Raddem, SubSatan, Polar Traum, Thrash Pilot
Drum & Bass Radio Club
Da Joust, Da Artizt, Serena Soya, Stromlinie, Ruslanio Tarr, Gorebug, J. Dahmer, Bubamara Brass Band, Amalaraxia, Suvjet, BlastikZ, Lab Of Music, Gontlath, Sebastian Hilgenfeld, Wild SpeeD, Riya, Dub Force, Deimos, Praxia, Subver5ion, J-damm, Preetesh, Kyia, Gasmask71, Neurosplit, Laz Loz, Ground Hero, SubSatan, Master Puppet, Wicked Phil, Xonikk, Mk Ultra (sa)
Drum & Bass Anthems 2013 Part 1
Laz Loz, Ground Hero, The Jenova Collective, Pelican, Dexter Dub, Ruli, Schinowatz Bobofkof, Liquid Hands, Ebasson, BIOSYS, Neurosplit, Foster, SubSatan, Polar Traum, Defiant, Kasger, Thrash Pilot, Dub Force, Xonikk, Kit Curse feat. Visor, Beethmozart, Drokz, Quant1ze, Mk Ultra, Submarine, Peet Beck, Amen B, Primator, Philip T.B.C., Acetech, Biantrazu, Paco Dj, Pageant, Alchemical Reaction, Decision, Half Decent, Aleksey Zhahin, Bobby Rules, Mstep
Drum & Bass Winter Sampler 2014
Neurosplit, The Jenova Collective, Laz Loz, Liquid Hands, Ebasson, Noxious Element, Placid Plea, BIOSYS, SubSatan, Defiant, Kasger, Thrash Pilot, Modern Primitives, Sighter (DnB), Drokz, Identified, T:Base, Quant1ze, Mk Ultra, Submarine, Peet Beck, Amen B, Philip T.B.C., Tabularasa, Biantrazu, Raspber, Ruli, Stefan Tretau, Pageant, Alchemical Reaction, Bobby Rules, Krieg, Snyde, Electrik Soul, Ower, Feem, Raw Conscience
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