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Straight Underground - No Stars
Niko Sonntag, Ascon Bates, Last Known Position, Johnny Organ, Klangkunde, Sebastian Recklebe, Lord Of Bass, Niemandztrackzz, Ecsid, Steve Larson, Merlin Tb-303, Marcel db, Sakin Bozkurt, Orange Beat, Sebasstian B., Steve Pain, Andy Lane, Josh Love, Kozin & Escodero, Miguel Martin, Dire T, Balkonkind, Fenice, D-Quattro, The Squelchy Beaters, Teredo Navalis, John Sparks, Kenan Olden, Beatzkrieg, Tobias Hoermann, Alfa Electronics, Ocean & Wavz, Avtekne
Many Forms of Techno:L A Journey Through Tech
Tildbros, Psychodevils, Disturbed Traxx, Carton, Rotary Mode, Zamal, Franco la Cara, Alex Progress, Dims, Jean The Ripper, Jack Attack, Viking Techno, JACK IT, Marco Livolsi, Pippy, Sdat, Clark B., Sebasstian B., Sixth Tone, Ambtech, Natalie Exland, Ron Ractive, Mauro Novani, 7even Icon, Mokumtek, Yapacc, Fadila, Tonwelt, Raumlehre, Ghedzo, Mangelt, Lex-Vedda
Cytology, Vol. 3
Mokumtek, Andreas Lauber, Jssst, Siro, Klanglos, Maciel, Andreas Seeber, Machine John, Joe Impero, Idelcam, Rob Inzky, The Boatpeople, Gee, Swen Willner, ivankstek, Waltervelt, Eniac, Young Bad Twinz, RCR, JD Powell, DominicG, E - Verformung, B1 2B, Klangkubik, Hurukan, BICHO, Juren Vu, Exolar, Anti Audio Army, Falke, Vogelbein, Chris Cooper, Dennis Slim, Jared Pastore, Ngrymn, A.p.t.a, Julian Grede, Ron Ractive, Loux Paradise, Noba, Sebasstian B., Jaydee, Jonas Fischer, D F P, Perthil, Clark B.
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