Sam DeWit is a DJ, vocalist and producer who was born inSuriname (South America) and grew up in a family wheremusic came naturally. As the son of a preacher he wasintroduced to gospel music at an early age and gospelmusic has been a big influence on his vocal style(particularly in his use of melisma) and his productionsound. He was a member of the church choir along with hisimmediate family; his father was the director. With a gospelupbringing, Sam explored other genres of music rangingfrom pop and soul to Caribbean and Reggae music, fromR&B to Dance/EDM.Still in his teens, Sam immigrated to the Netherlands tostudy law. He gave in to his writing and production ambitionsby writing poems and collaborating with kindred spirits, thuscrafting his writing/vocal and production skills. T hrough oneof