Nadda is a Dj and Producer, born in a small town near Barcelona. In the high school the music and the DJ culture have played a key roll in his life. At the age of 18 he was given the opportunity to play in a nightclub. Now Nadda almost every week plays as a DJ in nightclubs. He is currently the Resident Dj of a nightclub in Barcelona. He has released music for record labels such Brooklyn Fire, Box of Cats, NØID, and more. Nadda is looking for a place in the music industry. - www.naddamusic.com
Latest Releases
Gold Digger Full Tracks, Vol. 4
Mosimann, YYVNG, Bvrnout, Green Ketchup, Thykier, Phebo, Masayoshi Iimori, Drinks On Me, Fish Scale, ToMix, Greed., Sonny Banks, Back2Black, Tru Fonix, Pesnya, Rigon, EXtasty, Steji, CITYWLKR, Ekonovah, REHK, DAAV, Movenchy, Donkong, Moda, Dread MC, FIVEIGHT, Soxx, Hotblood, Krooner, Vellum, BRANDON (DE), DND, Haechi, Fellsius, Gaba, Relique, GACHA the matrix, Zoi, Mephi, CASHEW, VAGAN, Buzsquez, NADDA, Zhou, KnightBlock, Broady, Ken Raka, Irsan, Da Keffe, Bufalo
America, Fuck Yeah 2: Electric Boogaloo
The Guidance, Tommie Sunshine, Blak Trash, SLATIN, On Deck, Benwah, Petrin, Dread MC, Jaki Nelson, skemaddox, B!tch Be Cool, Sharks, Steady Rock, APAX, MING, Benny Lowe, Sirkea, Maddmon, Kue, Notaker, Mahalo, Cryosis, Ed McMuffin, XCRPT, Breikthru, Haus of Panda, MureKian, NADDA, Jake Rello, Lliam Taylor, B4NG B4NG, Rell The Soundbender, Tekno Redd, PEACE MAKER!, Brohug, Who's John, There It Is, Trentino, J. Worra, Landis, Usica, Juyen Sebulba, KANDY, Hostage, Fahjah, Komb, AFK, No Etiquette
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