Emiliano Mosci, better known as Emix, starts performing as techno-dj in September 1996; his career begins with 'raves' and 'after-hours'. His love for 80's music and his constant research for new sounds will be relevant to turn him in a rare gramophone (or vinyl) records 'collector'. From 1992 to 1995 he made a name for himself at local level with Techno-Acid parties until the great event: 'The Dream', on the 31st of December in 1995 (Anzio), where he attracted reviews as new techno-progressive's dj revelation. In the following year he was 'resident-dj' in some of the most prestigious italian clubs: Palladium, Hollywood, Red Zone, Arabesk, Piper and even at the very trendy Muccassassina, where he proposed some unforgettable dj/sets until July 2004. Actually he is 'resident-dj' every Tuesday in 'after' at