Merging the ambience of 90’s progressive house with the rawness of Detroit techno was his early inspiration for blending styles. His concept of merging styles has since widened to encompass deep house and dub techno. With such varied influences and unconstrained creativity, his output is diverse.Bjika’s music is an emotional release, with influences from a broad spectrum of electronic styles, the result is a sound that merges and unites to form something both refreshing and reminiscent. There is a deepness and an ambience of both deep house and atmospheric dnb, with the structure and subtle complexity found in Detroit techno and dub techno.
Latest Releases
Un poquito por favor 2
Entoniu & Agape, Mephia, Reza Ecilo, Iggy Rom, Neighbour, Mark Gemini, Dan Gessulli, Declyn, Ladies On Mars, Bjika, Veliz & Marval, Urla Ender, HezziePhecie, Alex Sander, James Kelley, Disease, Beatamines, Comfort Fit, Oliver Loew, SupplyDemand, Heward, Thomas Ruiz, Dubphone, Maria Zdrok, Davis Machin, Pascal Billotet
56 Senses
INI, L2BJ, Martin Schulte, G.U.A., Genning, Mielafon, Altone, Armholes, Arph, Azañedo, Bjika, CGeorge, Cheise, Daniel Gorziza, Deemkeyne, Dive Craft, Dout, Faestos, Fetish, Peter Bernath, Giacomo Silvestri, Giancarlo Puigbo, Heavenchord, Heward, Jeronimo Watson, Klordop, Kruglenko, LLLIT, Lowxy, Mario Tamasi, Gjidoda, Mike Nolan, Martin Aquino, Mayssam, TIS, Morgen Wurde, Nikdo, NJ Helder, Noria Amony, Peter Zherebtsov, R.Hz, Runo, Serasso, Sinerider, Zoltan Ban
52 Reasons To Spring!
Ian Oskadev, Arph, DeeplyBlack, Nicolas Barnes, Nikdo, Konomo, Eddi Shkiper, Deepofomin, Robert Roman, Stinsøn, Fiquere, ZekeniaN, 7mirror, Genning, Post Apocalyptic, Highdub, RÜNO, Never, André Orcutt, Voevodin, Eugene Schieffer, Chapaev, ZVK, Fetish, Anas M, Komey, NJ Helder, Pekoe, Atart, DJ Wari, Natural Piece of Aloe, Scape One, Bjika, Kaan Elitok, Dott. Santafeo, Kirill Matveev, Shyam, Elistratov, Mon, Deepkomplekt, Koett, Lev Golikov, Djalo, Jesper Tjarnfors, FLAVVIO
The Sound Of Christmas Gifts Compilation'21
Koett, Deepkomplekt, Nicolas Barnes, Shyam, Elistratov, Kirill Matveev, Kaan Elitok, Dott. Santafeo, Genning, Fetish, Bjika, Scape One, Natural Piece of Aloe, DJ Wari, Pekoe, Mielafon, Anas M, Komey, Chapaev, ZVK, Eugene Schieffer, Voevodin, RÜNO, Highdub, ZekeniaN, Fiquere, Ofta, André Orcutt, Stinsøn, Post Apocalyptic, Nikdo, Lucid Distraction, Fedu, Etzu Mahkayah, Bolgarin, Armholes
Fall. Inwards & 43 Tunes
Genning, Post Apocalyptic, Highdub, RÜNO, André Orcutt, Voevodin, Eugene Schieffer, Nicolas Barnes, Chapaev, ZVK, Fetish, Anas M, Komey, Artyom Kozlov, Pekoe, DJ Wari, Deepofomin, Natural Piece of Aloe, Scape One, Bjika, Owain K, Kirill Matveev, Shyam, Elistratov, Mon, Deepkomplekt, Koett, Lev Golikov, Marc Weyer, FLAVVIO, Paschi, Isaac Highway, Gjidoda, Mitry, George Kostopoulos, Nikdo, Darbinyan, Bolgarin, Ivan Preston
47 Summer Wishes'21
Martin Aquino, 2OMA, Antias, Artyom Kozlov, b0n, Bjika, CGeorge, Coldicus, Cunillera, Daniel Gorziza, Deepofomin, Dip, Dive Craft, Fetish, FLAVVIO, Genning, Gjidoda Jr., Heavenchord, Heward, Highdub, INI, Koett, Kostya Outta, L2BJ, Lola Palmer, Lukea, Marc Weyer, Natural Piece of Aloe, Mike Nolan, Nicolas Barnes, Owain K, Paschi, Scape One, Shyam, Elistratov, Tamasi, Fabri, Zoltan Ban, Sancess, Kirill Matveev, Deepkomplekt
Goose Bumps Collection, Vol. 6
Chris Drifter, Gate13, A.J Roland, Mayank, Sinan Arsan, Alex Bessofen, Jay Nu, EDLands, IN-sane, Christian Maestre, Sebastian Haas, Tenshi (Ua), Fernando Olaya, Pad One, Ran6dy, Korinami, Nae:Tek, Deeperwalk, Wade Watts, Geometriae, Subset, Marincu, Dominikanez, Marco Berto, Chris T, Moksa Musik, Davor Tosovic, ZVK
51 Reasons to Spring!
Genning, Kirill Matveev, Mon, Nicolas Barnes, Overt, Shyam & Elistratov, Alter Woo, Anas M, Anton Lanski, Artyom Kozlov, CGeorge, Darbinyan, Deepkomplekt, Deepofomin, Dima Kovadloff, Dip, Fedu, FLAVVIO, G.U.A., George Kostopoulos, Isaac Highway, J.Sintax, Jesper Tjarnfors, Koett, L2BJ, LoveYou, Lucid Distraction, Moises, Martin Aquino, TIS, Morgen Wurde, Morgen Wurde & Tis, Mitry, Neural Scape, Nikdo, .or not, Owain K, Pasha Philin, Peter Zherebtsov, Rundom Uolk, SupplyDemand, Unknown A, Vidno, Cor100, Bolgarin, Etzu Mahkayah, Eddi Shkiper
51 Reasons to Spring!
Genning, Nicolas Barnes, Overt, Kirill Matveev, Shyam, Elistratov, Mon, Deepkomplekt, Deepofomin, Koett, Jesper Tjarnfors, FLAVVIO, G.U.A., Isaac Highway, TIS, Morgen Wurde, Mitry, George Kostopoulos, Nikdo, Darbinyan, Anas M, Lucid Distraction, Artyom Kozlov, Peter Zherebtsov, Fedu, Owain K, Alter Woo, Etzu Mahkayah, Bolgarin, Dima Kovadloff, Anton Lanski, Eddi Shkiper, Cor100, Rundom Uolk, Demand, SUPPLY, Bjika, Vidno, J.Sintax, .or not, LoveYou, Neural Scape, Dip, Moises, Martin Aquino, Pasha Philin, CGeorge, Unknown A, L2BJ
48 Summer Wishes
LoveYou, NoizyKnobs & J.Sintax, Runo, Heavenchord, Ki.Mi., Alex Humann, Anton Lanski, Brickman, 2OMA, Giacomo Silvestri, Dmitry Stelmakhov, Dive Craft, Cunillera, Fetish, Martin Aquino, Mayssam, Giancarlo Puigbo, INI, Genning, Tamasi & Fabri, b0n, BOTN, Zoltan Ban, Bjika, Dip, Mike Nolan, Heward, Lukea, Antias, Prctr, R.Hz, Azañedo, Mastra, Beda, Dubtommy, Deepkomplekt, Ochu Laross, L2BJ, Martin Schulte, Artyom Kozlov, Azteca, Pasha Philin, Neural Scape, Vidno
50 Reasons to Spring!
Kammerton, Max Grabke, Kirill Matveev, Kostya Outta, Dubtommy, Lukea, Anton Lanski, Ki.Mi., Brickman, Dmitry Stelmakhov, Dive Craft, Cunillera, Giancarlo Puigbo, INI, Tamasi, Fabri, b0n, Zoltan Ban, Bjika, Dip, L2BJ, Heward, Chapaev, D Vice, Martin Schulte, Ochu Laross, Deepkomplekt, Dima Kovadloff, R.Hz, Prctr, Fetish, Martin Aquino, Mayssam, Genning, Nae:Tek, Mike Nolan, Daniel Gorziza, Luis Ake, Sinusoidal, Lola Palmer, Mastra, Beda, Artyom Kozlov, Peter Zherebtsov, Altone, Cor100, Kornilov, Rubel, Kruglenko, CGeorge, Heavenchord
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