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New Years Eve House Party
Crazibiza, Charles J, Luigi Neighbours, Dj Apollonia, FunkSoul Brothers, Jaquita, House of Prayers , Alexandra, DJ Effendi, Cool Cuts Inc, Cheesecake Boys, Timbee, Max Williams , Supersavage, D-Trax, Mascota, Adam Thomas, Mike Newman, Ryan FZ, Babes on the Run, Antoine Cortez, Ron Carroll, Lollypop, Matt Petrone, Yan Kings, Max Millan, SWS, DJ PP, Jack Mood, Gianpiero Xp, The Kollective, Maximusz, Wild Joker, Straight Jacket, DCP, Fellous, Andrea Monta, Karl8, Ben Willis
Funky House Annual 2024
Crazibiza, Charles J, FunkSoul Brothers, House of Prayers , Cool Cuts Inc, Realcyclers, DJ Effendi, Dj Apollonia, Tammy & Aggy, Monterey House Mafia, Alexandra, Agua Sin Gas, Supersavage, Mike Newman, Cheesecake Boys, Adam Thomas, Ben Willis, Terry Lex, Paradize Groove, Babes on the Run, Luigi Neighbours
Crazibiza Remixes
Mike Newman, Cheesecake Boys, Babes on the Run, Dave Aude, Crazibiza, VASSY, Chalres J, Ben Willis, D-Trax, Mascota, Jon Craig, Jude & Frank, DCP, Fellous, Nytron, Andrey Exx, Nicola Fasano, Kate Wild, DJ Dan, Matt Petrone, Yan Kings, Samuel Galvagno, DragonFly, Chris Willis, Jazzy X, Greg Note, Ron Carroll, Jay C, Leo Lippolis
Ibiza Disco House - Balearic Disco Anthems
Crazibiza, Adam Fiorucci, Shad Jaxon, DJ Effendi, Agua sin gas by Antoine Clamaran, Benjammin, Dj Apollonia, Cristian, Babes on the Run, House of Prayers, Diszko Jack, Green Tropez, Reza, Matte, FunkSoul Brothers, Alexandra, Realcyclers, Timbee, Supersavage, Mike Newman, Antoine Cortez, Djsakisp, Monterey House Cartel, Gianpiero Xp, The Kollective, Dario Nunez, Luigi Neighbours, Ben Willis, Timmy Tom
Funky House Annual 2024
Crazibiza, Luigi Neighbours, Dj Apollonia, FunkSoul Brothers, Shad Jaxon, House of Prayers, Babes on the Run, Agua sin gas by Antoine Clamaran, DJ PP, Jack Mood, Timbee, CRZBZ, Cool Cuts Inc, Eugenio Fico, Diszko Jack, Green Tropez, Mike Newman, Tammy & Aggy, Nicola Fassano, Kate Wild, Realcyclers, Adam Thomas, Supersavage, Gianpiero Xp, The Kollective, Cheesecake Boys, Adam Fiorucci, Matte Black, Ben Willis
Ibiza Closing 2023
Cheesecake Boys, Timbee, Crazibiza, Nari, AN:RO, Tommyboy, Ryan FZ, Shadd, Ben Willis, Johnny Stayer, House of Prayers, Realcyclers, Max Millan, SWS, Honey Love, Mike Newman, Laurent Simeca, DJ Shu-ma, Fickry, Yarra Rai, Antoine Cortez, Obrotka, Juan Di Lago, Stefano Pain, Stylus Robb, Miguel Picasso, Viky (IT), Mikero, JDM, Simon Amur, 2Lovers
Ibiza Closing 2023
Cheesecake Boys, House of Prayers, Crazibiza, Nari, Tommyboy, Shadd, 2Lovers, Timbee, Ryan FZ, AN:RO, Ben Willis, Max Millan, SWS, Simon Amur, Johnny Stayer, Obrotka, Realcyclers, Honey Love, Mike Newman, Laurent Simeca, DJ Shu-ma, Fickry, Yarra Rai, Antoine Cortez, Juan Di Lago, Stefano Pain, Stylus Robb, Miguel Picasso, Viky (IT), Mikero, JDM
Summerize Disco Beach
Crazibiza, Adam Thomas, Sante Cruze, Cheesecake Boys, Ben Willis, Din Jay, Terry Lex, Paradize Groove, Maximusz, House of Prayers, LeGround, Babes on the Run, Timbee, Luigi Neighbours, Dj Apollonia, FunkSoul Brothers, Johnny Stayer, Ron Carroll, Lollypop, Tommyboy, Gianpiero Xp, The Kollective, Matt Petrone, Yan Kings, Pete Walshe, Mikero, Stefano Pain
Crazibiza, Terry Lex, Paradize Groove, Dj Apollonia, Luigi Neighbours, Cheesecake Boys, Babes on the Run, Adam Thomas, House of Prayers, Paggi & Costanzi, Ben Willis, DragonFly, Soulpainters, Chris Great, Dario Nunez, 2Lovers, Gianpiero Xp, The Kollective, DJ PP, Jack Mood, FunkSoul Brothers, Mike Newman, Antoine Cortez, Djsakisp, Ryan FZ, Effendi, DJ Shu-ma, Fickry, Yarra Rai, Realcyclers
Funky Gym, Vol. 2
Charles Feelgood, Viky (IT), Crazibiza, Piero Scratch, Babes on the Run, Jazzy X, Tommyboy, Timbee, DjM, Rachel Armenta, Johnny Stayer, Mayami, Agua Sin Gas, Danny Wild & Nataly K, Supersavage, Jaxx Inc, Jon Craig, Cheesecake Boys, Muzzaik, Jeremy Duplaix, Daniel Delay, Ben Willis, Stefano Pain, 2Lovers, Nari
Sexy Funky House Annual 2023
Zsak, DJ Aiblo, Crazibiza, Effendi, Ryan FZ, JackinGod, AN:RO, Andrea Monta, Karl8, Pete Walshe, Din Jay, DjM, Rachel Armenta, 2Lovers, Ben Willis, Antoine Clamaran, Agua Sin Gas, Cheesecake Boys, Max Millan, SWS, Nytron, Andrey Exx, Tommy Heron, Block & Crown, Chris Marina, Simon Amur, Fast Trak, DCP, Fellous, Danny Wild, Nataly K, Viky (IT), John Modena, Mark Whites, Jozsef Keller, Mike Newman, Adri Block
Ibiza Poolside Closing Party
Sante Cruze, Crazibiza, VASSY, Honey Love, Nari, Laurent Simeca, Timbee, Viky (IT), Mayami, Mike Newman, Antoine Cortez, Animist, Obrotka, Johnny Stayer, Juan Di Lago, DJ Aiblo, Anton Ishutin, Deniz Reno, Ben Willis, Max Millan, SWS, Simon Amur, Maya Pacziga, Charles J, AnA ( FR ), 2Lovers, Angel, Hiva, Kevin Prise
Crazibiza Departure - Ibiza 2022
Laurent Simeca, Crazibiza, Jazzy X, Andrea Monta, Karl8, 2Lovers, Realcyclers, Timbee, Discoslap, Max Millan, SWS, Vanessa Valero, House of Prayers, Mike Newman, Antoine Cortez, Les Bisous, Ryan FZ, DragonFly, DCP, Fellous, Mayami, Viky (IT), Wild Joker, Cheesecake Boys, Ben Willis, Babes on the Run, Tommyboy, Soneec, Vince Tomas, Din Jay, Jame Starck, Nari, Garrett & Ojelay, Paggi & Costanzi, Benjammin, Supersavage
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