Amongst the clamour and enthusiasm of up and coming producers B3cks stands out for her genuine demeanour, driven attitude, and keen plight to launch her music into the stratosphere. A big fan of the squelchy sounds of acid techno, she counts Regal, Alan Fitzpatrick and Amelie Lens as some of her favourites who she accredits as influences of her song structures and keeping things simple with the 303.
Latest Releases
Nothing But... House Party, Vol. 22
TC Dj, Sable Blanc, Lavron, Fl3x, That Jimmy Person, Robert Fell, Brunori Marco, Temporary Hero, There Is No One But Me, BLKPND, Idyll, Ciava, JOBA, Get Red, Mismatch (UK), Tjalling Reitsma, LRNC, Chantola, Noir Glacé, BLVCKDOP3, shotgunwedding, Mauricio Traglia, raF., Ezra Blissard, Saeri, Rico Vibes, Alex Bolivar, aspen bizarre disco, LoudSound, B3cks
Chilled Beats 019
Okja, Agio-Lax, Aduro, Araon, Josh Tarzi, Alma Animo, Saad Ayub, RSLV, B3cks, Feel, Alexandra Badoi, Andrew Mirt, The Sektorz, i11ivin, Alberto Tagliaferri, a.m.c., Reasonandu, Max Caset, Electronic Networks Division, Ksenia Kamikaza, Antiproject, Jo Paciello, Erik Jackson, Derrick Harvin, Sacred de Lacrua, Концептуальное Постироничное Творчество, Kai Beller, David Enkay, Popsneon, jake rollinson, DJ Gadjik, Daortia
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