Aaron is a Los Angeles based dancer and music producer / Dj...he began music production back in 2006 dabbling with krump style music , but by his adolescence he found a love for house music. When he turned 21 in 2008 he began attending Marques Wyatts DEEP events and venturing into the underground house culture of Los Angeles.In late 2015, he became apart of a Dj Duo called ETHNiKZ. Thru this duo many opportunities arose including his first 3 track releases under which were “Jam With You” , “It’s Been Done” and “Infunktion” viaOxygen Records, Abracadabra records and 70x7 Records ; plus many memorable and amazing DJ gigs throughout Los Angeles including Avalon nightclub, Exchange, Create, Los Globos and other hot house music venues in the area.Aaron, now as a