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Feel The Soul 024
Pedro Duarte, Morris Revy, Mark Di Meo, Laura Jackson, Franck Roger, M'Selem, Chris Wonder, Luciano Gioia, Neapolitan Soul, Next Door But One, Stephanie Cooke, Steal Vybe, Jon Pierce, DJ Randall Smooth, Anaya Weathers, Pete Simpson, Pausepushers, Dwayne W. Tyree, Jamlud, Ace Shyllon, Vibrant C, Flowersons, Faith Evans, Bobby Jones, Jordan Trove, Mikki Afflick, Louie Balo Guzman, Darren Sains, Janine Sugah Lyrics Lyons, Michael Procter, Audio Heritage, Lindi, Brighkay, Kelvin Sylvester, Lawrence Dior, Soul Fleva, Kelstar, Lucius Lowe, Stephanie McDee, JoioDJ, D'bra Powell, Chriss DeVynal, Deep Acolytes, Dana Weaver
Chilled Beats 018
Da Funksta, Thylacinus, Valentina-G, June Chikuma, Donald Wilborn, ModernPixel, Dj Moy, Valentina Russo, DiCE_NZ, House of Downtown, Nodslie, United Funk Order, TRUZ, J.B. Boogie, Flying Decibels, DJ Nipper, Dwayne W. Tyree, Afro Image Band, Fantastic One, Vandross, Dave Baron, Indigo, Elegant Soul, Aziz Roshdy, NJ Helder, Menoosha, Claborg, FabioEsse, Alexny
Nothing But... Soulful House Essentials, Vol. 04
8nine Muzique, Bon Ai, DJ Patisso, Distant People, Morris Revy, Pat Bedeau, Anna-Marie Johnson, B.A.N.G!, Luchi & Raizer, Steal Vybe, Sara Devine, Dwayne W. Tyree, Joeflame, Pete Simpson, Pausepushers, Walter G, Dana Weaver, Guido P, Beat Rivals, Lifford, JoioDJ, Emma Diva, Darryl D'Bonneau, TheFREEZproject, Artwork, Museeq IQ, Frankstar, Charles Cooper, Sipho Ngubane, Giga Msezane, JazzKafely, Joe Silva, Mariana Canadas, Josè Armando Castilla, Holi M, La Qtee M, Michael Procter, Audio Heritage
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