Latest Releases
Deep One Love, Vol. 3
Bamba Janka, Immer Groove, Susan Grat, Fata, Midnight Groove, Blue Groove, Sound Of Nyc, Deep Traxx, Chada, The Models, Iwan van Houten, Disketto, London Groove Ensemble, Funketto, Jet Sax, Vince Lourenzo, Klod Rights, Beach, Marine Star, Jay Cee Morgan, Stephan Hunt, Mark From London, Tim Strehelen, John Tall, Style Industry, The Mask, Philippe Antonin, Viktor Astoria, Anthony Maserati, Simon S, Nelson Kay, Tigger, Mora Orphey
Deep House Wunderland (Groovy Master Pieces), Vol. 1
Sound Of Nyc, Carl Vee, Solid Groove, Michel Poison, 4th Progression, Paul Daveson, Michael Portman, Sigma, Central Subway, Deep System, Antigua Blue, Fashion Boys, Roger Smith, Cocco Barocco, The Models, Jap Boy, Loio Fay, Carl Vanvittel, John July, Dominique Durban, Anthony Galvano, Marcia Grant, Fashion Rhythms, Hogg Boss, Liam McCannon, Vince Lourenzo, Deep Domus, Karl Fox, Rory Williams, System 4, Leonard Marcus, Dyba
Deep-House One Love, Vol. 3
Saint Just, David Delon, John July, Fata, Midnight Groove, D Elements, Don Major, 4th Progression, Flowers & Butterfly, Blue Groove, Soul Of Rome, Dominique Durban, Lorentz 'O, New Rhythm, Style Industry, Fashion Rhythms, Playamann, Roza Kanina, Solid Groove, Deep Masters, Hogg Boss, Sound Of Nyc, Star Hub, Mark Langarde, Liam McCannon, Onda Marina, Steven Hoffman, Deep Solution, Mariah Brown, Vince Lourenzo, Sandrino, Ultra Fine, Silk Jander
Floating Deep (40 Groovy Tunes), Vol. 2
Daf Grooves, Lolla Goda, Sound Of Nyc, Frederic Le Monde, Kobra, Club Sonique, Dee Drop, Onda Marina, Deep Elements, Mark Rays, Deep Makers, Steven Hoffman, Fashion Boyz, Deep System, Steven Bell, Deep Solution, Mariah Brown, Cassagrossa, Damian Schmidt, Michael Foster, Guy Guitarro, Jap Boy, Loio Fay, Vince Lourenzo, Goodeeva Project, Magic City, Disketto, Jay Cee Morgan, Iwan van Houten, Sandrino, Julian Andreson, Global Mind, Starduster, Carl Vanvittel, Silk Jander, Aquamind, London Masters, Isaac Bradley, Dee Lewis, Lucas Stanford, Tye Rogers, James Wax, Ultra Fine
Deep-House Tempel, Vol. 3
Modern City, Guy Guitarro, Anthony Maserati, Mark Torrell, The Loop, Jap Boy, Loio Fay, Tony King, Softsoul, The Models, Deep Couture, Sound Of Nyc, Suspended Dreams, Markus Goldfinger, Vibe Lovers, Vince Lourenzo, Modus Medusae, Andrew Murray, Starduster, Mangrovia, Goodeeva Project, Yan Carlson, Fine House, Audio 77, Magic City, Henry Bell, Tiaf Project, Jason Welsh, Jay Cee Morgan, Nathalie Rigg, Lana Gardner, Diego Playo, Iwan van Houten, Shawn Isaac, James Altura, Rory Williams, Julian Andreson, Candito, Simon Wepper, David Rimmel, Global Mind
Vocal House Festival
Deep Elements, Frank Riviera, Alexandre Callager, Sonya Rich, House Of Deep, Alain Loden, Eye Drops, Playamann, Roza Kanina, Delano's Friends, Anthony Maserati, Benjamin Bennett, Cosmic City, Loreen Queen, Vince Lourenzo, Gold Star, Vibe Lovers, Skyline, Kanta, Jap Boy, Loio Fay, Renault Powell, Modern City, Mojito Groove, Frankie Half
Music Is My Life, Vol. 2 (50 Deep-House Sweeties)
Tony King, Bamboo Rhythms, Samantha Chan, Le Club, Starduster, Paradise Boutique, Disketto, Starwaves, Philter Corporation, Star Hub, Robert White, Chrisopher Torres, Bank Of Sound, Goodeeva Project, Robert Jake, Soul Lovers, Leeroy Hudson, Softsoul, Carl Vanvittel, Jean Michel Lereal, Solid Groove, The Models, Deep Mind, Solid Phonic, Deep Makers, Sound Of Nyc, Club Princess, Black Game, The Cab, System 4, Room 69, Montuno Hands, Jean Cloude Chapion, Last Reaction, Suspended Dreams, Olographic Soul, Nailon Gray, Dee Drop, South Soul, Markus Goldfinger, Kobra, K Tonique, Deep System, Vibe Lovers, Sandrino, Cosmic City, Anthony Chocco, 7th Dimension, Vince Lourenzo, The Duke, Frank Papillon
Take A Walk On The Deep Side, Vol. 1
Klimt, Lena Williams, Solid Groove, Ibeezaa Grooves, Jaqueline Thomas, Chris Indo, Bambodeep, Claude Chamberlain, Bob Rose, Jay Cee Morgan, Nathan Bass, Junior D, House Concierges, Studio 88, Paul Funk, Jeffrey Sessions, Deep System, Beach Sonoric, Jeffrey Goldstar, Anthony Maserati, Vince Lourenzo, Frank Falcon, James Wax, Ioshi Takashi, Philter Corporation, Isaac Bradley
Urban Deep-House Vibes, Vol. 3
Alexandra Prince, Aleksey, Mr. Groove, Jaques Le Noir, Soap Bubbles, Benatural, Larry Scottish, Roby Loco, Sak Chaime, Notelle, Felix & Gianx, Tommy Boccuto, Deepberry, Mario Chris, Terri B!, Slippy Beats, Accurate, Ron Carroll, Steve Edwards, R.O.N.N., Michael Murica, Damon Grey, Marcelo Wallace, Yantra Mantra, Mazelo Nostra, Vince Lourenzo, Modern City, Geno Genov, Tony Deledda, Scot & Millfield, Da Chello, M. Belladonna, Homo Novo, Patrik Kee
Deep Movements (The Special Compilation of Deep House Music)
U.M.S., Aksel Mogensen, Silly Crawl, Tony Afrique, Clear Artery, Norma Reagan, Trapped Ambitions, Supermodels, The Model Motel, The Grand Groove, Claude Fatton, Sun Flowers, The Modell, White Grooves, Tony King, Project 444, 2nd Rhythms, 6ex, Jaques Dacoste, Alexander Prince, Harry, Fitch, Sandrino, Modell, Mercier, Roko, Johnny Divine, Room 88, Johhny French, Salvador Diqui, Tony Deep, House Sinergy, Vince Lourenzo, Sebastian Hector, Montuno Hands, Mark Sanderson, Deep Hotel, Klimt, Jeff Goldman, Anthony Maserati, Santos Pasha, New Rhythms
Deep-House Soldiers, Vol. 1
Radioknob, Michy De Angelis & Frank K Pini, The Models, Mark Rays, Sound Of Nyc, K Tonique, Holborn, Linda Axelsson, Andy Lakey, Mario Chris, Jaques Le Noir, Jay Kay, James Wax, Jazzamor, LoVance, VNTRD, GBHR, Anthony Maserati, Lost In Time, Vince Lourenzo, Abel Suarez, Omar Ortiz, Tommy Boccuto, Accurate, Softsoul, Outwork, Elaine J, Jeff Goldmann, Solid Phonic, Philter Corporation, Mark Torrell, Kobra, Leezzy Godiva, Deep Elements
Beauty and the Beat (25 Deep Underground Grooves), Vol. 4
Ferhat Saygi, Vince Lourenzo, Fresh House Juice, Melanie Lovers, New Coffee Waves, Vertical, Damon Douglas, Deep Gang, Kobra, Marcus Gamblee, Lady Godiva, Dr. Feelx, Isac, Stephane Chazelle, Sonoya, House of Sun, Peter Gordon, Stella Harmony, Daniel Sestor, Deep Fix, Greg Moon Hamilton, Golden House, Crasty, Carl Erikson, Lorenz Free
Vocally Yours
Cosmic City, Loreen Queen, Deep Elements, Frank Riviera, Benjamin Bennett, Anthony Maserati, Playamann, Roza Kanina, Vibe Lovers, Skyline, Kanta, Gold Star, Alain Loden, Mojito Groove, Alexandre Callager, Sonya Rich, Delano's Friends, Eye Drops, House Of Deep, Jap Boy, Loio Fay, Modern City, Renault Powell, Vince Lourenzo, Olajoowantee
Tokyo Deep, Vol. 10 (The Sound of Tokyo)
Cristal Dream, Mr. Handmade, Jean Louis Vallee, Cold Night, Jeffrey Champion, Dee Point, Frakie Fresh, Dee Frank, For Emotion, Gold Jeans, Anthony Cool, Deep Boys, Silver Jeff, Playamann, Lisbona's Groove, La Playa Regina, Eduard Smith, Antonio Andali, Oriundo, Terrace Ensemble, Fred Limon, Vince Lourenzo, Back Rogers, Tony Moog, Daniel Ranner, Modell, Mercier, Beach Sonoric, Gaba Milani, Jean Cloude Chapagne, Sander Parin, Cool Vibe Orchestra, Bank Of Sound, Le Club, Peter Jay, Midnight Groove, Jap Boy, Frak Dee, Republic Of Groove, Houzy Section, Continental Rhythms
Dubai Fashion Beats (Deephouse Rhythms)
Fred Limon, Oriundo, Frakie Fresh, Cold Night, Beach Sonoric, Deep Boys, Modell, Mercier, Anthony Cool, Lisbona's Groove, Cool Vibe Orchestra, Continental Rhythms, Daniel Ranner, Back Rogers, Dee Frank, Gaba Milani, Republic Of Groove, Jeffrey Champion, Dee Point, Jean Louis Vallee, Tony Moog, Gold Jeans, Jean Cloude Chapagne, Frak Dee, Houzy Section, Eduard Smith, Antonio Andali, Cristal Dream, For Emotion, Jap Boy, Sander Parin, La Playa Regina, Le Club, Midnight Groove, Silver Jeff, Peter Jay, Vince Lourenzo, Terrace Ensemble, Bank Of Sound, Mr. Handmade, Playamann
Perfect Rhythms (Deep House and Chill Rhythms)
Beach Sonoric, Lisbona's Groove, Cool Vibe Orchestra, Daniel Ranner, Eduard Smith, Frakie Fresh, Mr. Handmade, Jean Louis Vallee, Modell, Mercier, Cold Night, Bank Of Sound, Deep Boys, Le Club, Dee Point, Jap Boy, Gaba Milani, Republic Of Groove, Cristal Dream, Back Rogers, Continental Rhythms, Jeffrey Champion, Gold Jeans, Jean Cloude Chapagne, Playamann, Anthony Cool, Houzy Section, Frak Dee, Midnight Groove, Dee Frank, For Emotion, Tony Moog, La Playa Regina, Antonio Andali, Peter Jay, Silver Jeff, Vince Lourenzo, Sander Parin, Fred Limon, Oriundo, Terrace Ensemble
Cool Rhythms: Deephouse and Bar Grooves
Gaba Milani, Deep Boys, Continental Rhythms, Dee Frank, Anthony Cool, Beach Sonoric, Tony Moog, Fred Limon, Modell, Mercier, Cool Vibe Orchestra, Cold Night, Playamann, Daniel Ranner, Back Rogers, Jean Louis Vallee, Republic Of Groove, Jeffrey Champion, La Playa Regina, Antonio Andali, Dee Point, Gold Jeans, Jean Cloude Chapagne, Oriundo, Midnight Groove, Eduard Smith, Frakie Fresh, Cristal Dream, For Emotion, Jap Boy, Sander Parin, Frak Dee, Le Club, Lisbona's Groove, Peter Jay, Vince Lourenzo, Terrace Ensemble, Bank Of Sound, Mr. Handmade, Silver Jeff, Houzy Section
Deep Winter Chill
Francesco Demegni, Bank Of Sound, Blue Groove, Diskoo, Jaquin Roraso, Tee Glam, Anphibia, Frank Phonic, London Jazz Soul Project, Funk Da Jazz House, Modell & Mercier, Mr. Kay, House Republic, Jean Louis Vallee, Miami Lovers, Tony Moog, Kostant Groove, Rainold Monlove, Chillhouse Del Mar, Saverio Soave, Beach Groove, Le Marquise, Global Deep, Frank Demegni, 6th Floor Groove, Xj Eight, Executive Rhythms, Blue Verhanda, The Thream, Suspended Dream, Vince Lourenzo, Bobby Andrews, V6, Mangrovia, Osmotic Friends, Panorama, Percussion Four, D Elements
Golden Sounds Selected Deep House Tracks
Beach Sonoric, For Emotion, Dee Frank, Fred Limon, Gaba Milani, Terrace Ensemble, Continental Rhythms, Sander Parin, Deep Boys, Gold Jeans, Lisbona's Groove, Bank Of Sound, Le Club, Mr. Handmade, Jap Boy, Antonio Andali, Daniel Ranner, Anthony Cool, La Playa Regina, Frak Dee, Jean Cloude Chapagne, Vince Lourenzo, Cristal Dream, Republic Of Groove, Jean Louis Vallee, Dee Point, Midnight Groove, Frakie Fresh, Jeffrey Champion, Cool Vibe Orchestra, Eduard Smith, Modell, Mercier, Back Rogers, Silver Jeff, Cold Night, Houzy Section, Tony Moog, Oriundo, Peter Jay, Playamann
Deep & Sexy (Selected Deep House Rhythms)
Anthony Cool, Modell, Mercier, Fred Limon, Beach Sonoric, Continental Rhythms, Deep Boys, Oriundo, Cool Vibe Orchestra, Cold Night, Gaba Milani, Daniel Ranner, Back Rogers, Dee Frank, Republic Of Groove, Jeffrey Champion, Antonio Andali, Dee Point, Tony Moog, Gold Jeans, Jean Cloude Chapagne, Frak Dee, Jean Louis Vallee, Eduard Smith, Frakie Fresh, Houzy Section, Cristal Dream, For Emotion, Jap Boy, Sander Parin, La Playa Regina, Le Club, Lisbona's Groove, Silver Jeff, Peter Jay, Vince Lourenzo, Terrace Ensemble, Bank Of Sound, Mr. Handmade, Playamann, Midnight Groove