Latest Releases
Kisses on the Beach (The Deep-House Edition), Vol. 4
Heart, Franky Funky, Eddie Henley, Deep Phluid, Julian Bell, Funketto, Last Movement, The Riviera Guys, Dante Lewis, Light Continental, Mondial Groove, Raul Perez, Canja Lik, Antoine Verlaine, Larry Morrell, Cosmic City, Tee Glam, Alex Latino, Yoshi Yoky, Franky Mandragora, Robert Gold, Lenny Ultra, Fashion Lovers, Stonenge, Yves Carlton, Red Plastique, Daniel Smithson, Bruno Cohen, The Model Motel, Style Industry
Deep-House Gang, Vol. 4
Leach & Lezizmo, Jerry Ropero, Tom Novy, Abigail Bailey, Tom & Jerry, Young Rebels, Francesco Diaz, Jolie Lassen, Tee Glam, The K2 Project, DGN, Teddy Richards, Walter N., Tony Roja, Daniel Altadill, Ekala, Motel 21, Casablanca, A.D.S.R, Miami Rhythm, Tom Appl, Ron Carroll, Steve Edwards, R.O.N.N., Michael Murica, Damon Grey, Matt D, Claudio Deeper, Fashion Lovers, Tom Frost, Deep Massive, Marcelo Wallace, Andrey Coostantinidis, Tony Cox, GBHR, Steve Noble, Jdakk & French, Mad Mick, Massive Deep, Samoa Beach, Joris Dee, Lavigne, Mandragora, Ben Weber, DJ Plinio, Martinez, Alexandra Prince, Aleksey, Kent, Florito, Roberto Sol, Jerry, L.O.V.E., R-Slane, Dub Fundation, Beach Lovers
Lost In Deep-House (30 Underground Rhythms), Vol. 1
Deep Stone, Night Groove, Tee Glam, Phantastic Paradise, Al Mar, Lars Carter, Paul Hamilton, Teddy Tyrrell, Black Mann, Ninjia Beats, Tony Plaio, Konya Lin, Frank Falcon, Dyba, Leezzy Godiva, Tony Traxx, Wolf Rommell, Ponente Soul, Hipno Typo, City Logan, The Duke, Jason Baldwin, Roberto Mason, Deep Grooves, Peter Sanders, Nightmann, Valerius, A Traxx, Caesar Anthony, Claude Lorraine, Paul Walker, Acute Melancholia
At Night
Raphael Carter, Anthony Maserati, Roy Real, Fabrice Montin, Sander Goldmann, Fabrice Covolo, Teddy Tyrrell, Ethan Taylor, Ultranight, Esteban Fortunato, Oscar Rich, Cygnus, Moon People, Dee Project, Martin Florence, Don Conte, L.G.F., Frank Montana, Hotel 54, Funkinno, Tee Glam, Paul Mandarin, Sander's Motel, Room 88, Two City Orchestra
It Feels so Good
Gray Zone, Lightstar, Reprise Project, Moon Solid, Project 444, Used Bass Project, Nixon Hamilton, Tee Glam, Ron Virgin, Plastic Bass, U.M.S., Star Hub, Tony Key, Starduster, Chile Lavern, A Guy From Tooting, Ceri Parry, Adile Chinonso, Body Rock Club, Suspended Dream, Alfie Geffrey, Black Caesar, Sun Flowers, Alphonso Shawn, Berny Crofton, Archer Roly
Musica Feliz, Vol. 4 (30 Sunset Affairs)
Deep Stone, Paul Van Hersen, Caesar Anthony, Subway Soul, Phantastic Paradise, Deep Works, Al Mar, The Silk Man, The Rain Company, The Children, Ninjia Beats, Red Plastique, Tony Plaio, Chris Holm, The Duke, Armand Gucci, Tee Glam, Mark Tonett, Konya Lin, Danny Deep, Frank Falcon, Dyba, Project X7, Leezzy Godiva, Morgan Royal, Teddy Tyrrell, Black Mann, Deep Hotel, Wolf Rommell, Alan Brooker, Hipno Typo, Thomas Ferguson
Deep Deluxe (Light Sexy Tunes), Vol. 4
Funketto, Red Plastique, Canja Lik, Yovann Bleu, Deeplovers, Starwaves, Robert Correra, Ninjia Beats, Andrew Wells, Flute Essence, Dama Blank, Tony Plaio, Neural Connection, Beach 10, Dario Rodriguez, Chris Holm, Bruno Cohen, Tony Cox, David Rimmell, Armand Gucci, Wolterra, The Model Motel, Ultranight, Thomas Ferguson, Tee Glam
Sunny Terrace (Lounge Meets Deep House), Vol. 4
Velvet Dreamer, Saten, Free Will, Yves Carlton, Tony Cox, Dario J, Tony King, Jennifer Ibiza, Tom Holden, Steven Estrada, Tom Frost, Joseph B, William Quinn, The Duke, Bar Rhythms, Tee Glam, Paolo Garcia, Nightgroovaz, The Artic Soda, Nacim Ladj, Centenarios, Jeanclaudemaurice, Key Of Dreams, DJ Pier Green, Omar DJ
Balearic Delight, Vol. 1 (The Bar & Groove Edition)
Yoshi Yoky, The Model Motel, James Dellaware, Yves Carlton, Wolterra, V6, Thomas Ferguson, Jerry London, Steven Lake, Piedro del Toro, Ultranight, Paolo Garcia, Tony Roja, Andrew Johnson, Tom Frost, Paul Hamilton, Oriundo, Paul Groove, The Children, Liam North, William Quinn, Tee Glam, Ron Ford, Subway Soul, The Duke
Music Is The Answer (Deep-House Edition), Vol. 2
Marcelo Blanco, Peter Thompson, Hotel 54, Josh Newman, Dyba, Soullovers, Teddy Tyrrell, Paolo Garcia, Tedd Maneva, Don Conte, Tee Glam, Mike Morrow, Sam Stoner, Christian Petterson, Lelly London, Jerry London, Funkinno, Kay Krown, Scottie O'Donnell, K Zone, Mark Rays, Houseworkers, House Temperance, Ultranight, Allan Schreiber
Simply (Deep House Music)
James Altura, Kaydo, Danny Hay, Daf Grooves, Tee Glam, Henry Bell, 5Th Avenue, Lightstar, Da King, Johnny Sonny, Moon Solid, Modell, Mercier, Gold Sand Area, Jeffrey Goldstar, N Grooves, Robert Owners, Pianola, Black Boy, Ronald Jefferson, Klimt, The Razor, Chrys, Motor Co, Kevin Davies, Lars Carter, Maxime Cooper, Phonik Font, Roger Vena, Sasha Pasha
Deep Paris, Vol. 7 (The Sound of Paris)
Alain Loden, Yvonne, Karl van De Beer, Jazz O' Matik, Andrew Marshall, Deep Boys, Robert Hummer, Anthony Cool, Oceanus 99, Modell, Mercier, SANDER, Pianoforte, Sander Schneider, Deep Lovers, Tony Cool, Loveboy, Cornelius, Mediterraneo, House Republic, Night City, Tee Glam, Jack Deep, Gee Jeep, Freelove, F Project, Lenny Laroixe, Jean Claude, Reprise Project, Raynold Jay, Kay Cee, Vibration 6, Dee Lice, Le Club, Solo Soro, Baron, Jag, Jazzagroove
Deep Selection (The Sound of Wknd)
Dee Lice, Anthony Mann, Bass'O Lovers, Da Jazz, Yves Sander, NYC Lovers, 5Th Avenue, Lenny Laroixe, Modell, Mercier, Jean Claude, Alkemy Roach, Reprise Project, V6, Night City, Jack Deep, Tee Glam, J Groove, F Project, Jean Claude Rivery, Gee Jeep, Deep Patrol, Freelove, Plastique Pleasures, Deep Lovers, Sander Schneider, Tony Cool, Kaydo, Cornelius, Loveboy, Brothers Of Sound, Mediterraneo, House Republic, Tony Note Ensemble, Sovereign Project, Soul Of Phuture
Sunset Session Volume 2
Seven Suite, Ted River, Vibrant Boy, Keerg, 5Th Avenue, Sovereign Project, Mediterraneo, Richard Le Monde, Port Grimaud, Lara Banston, Yves Semain, The Thream, The Circle, White Ensemble, Alkemy Roach, No Mood, Plastique Pleasures, 99%% New, Panorama, Piano, Frank Winder, Slow Rhythms, Second Groove, Midnight Piano Ensemble, Supaslow, Gee Jeep, Tony Cool, NYC Lovers, Miss Bee, Sand Rhythm, Olivo Street, Pianissimo, Montecarlo Hotel, Tuscany, V6, House Republic, Tee Glam, Modell And Mercier, Patrik Lasavalle
Vibrations: Deep House Selection
Reprise Project, Tony Cool, Sovereign Project, Night City, Cornelius, Deep Lovers, Jean Claude Rivery, Anthony Mann, Freelove, House Republic, Plastique Pleasures, Tee Glam, Bass'O Lovers, Loveboy, 5Th Avenue, J Groove, Alkemy Roach, Deep Patrol, Mediterraneo, Tony Note Ensemble, Sander Schneider, Yves Sander, F Project, Jean Claude, Kaydo, Brothers Of Sound, Dee Lice, Jack Deep, Soul Of Phuture, V6, Da Jazz, NYC Lovers, Gee Jeep, Modell, Lenny Laroixe
Deep Winter Chill
Francesco Demegni, Bank Of Sound, Blue Groove, Diskoo, Jaquin Roraso, Tee Glam, Anphibia, Frank Phonic, London Jazz Soul Project, Funk Da Jazz House, Modell & Mercier, Mr. Kay, House Republic, Jean Louis Vallee, Miami Lovers, Tony Moog, Kostant Groove, Rainold Monlove, Chillhouse Del Mar, Saverio Soave, Beach Groove, Le Marquise, Global Deep, Frank Demegni, 6th Floor Groove, Xj Eight, Executive Rhythms, Blue Verhanda, The Thream, Suspended Dream, Vince Lourenzo, Bobby Andrews, V6, Mangrovia, Osmotic Friends, Panorama, Percussion Four, D Elements
Beach Grooves (Finest Selection of Deep House Rhythms)
Tony Note Ensemble, Mediterraneo, Jean Claude Rivery, Sovereign Project, Night City, Da Jazz, Sander Schneider, Cornelius, Yves Sander, Anthony Mann, Deep Lovers, Dee Lice, V6, Tee Glam, Deep Patrol, F Project, Gee Jeep, Soul Of Phuture, Kaydo, Jack Deep, House Republic, Loveboy, Alkemy Roach, Lenny Laroixe, 5Th Avenue, Modell And Mercier, Reprise Project, Plastique Pleasures, Tony Cool, Bass'O Lovers, Jean Claude, Brothers Of Sound, Freelove, J Groove, NYC Lovers