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Hardstyle & Techno Rules 2015
Nytro, Ecstatic, Prefix, Density, Aeros, DJ Thera, Geck-O, Hardstyle Provider, Catatonic Overload, Project Exile, Warface, Delete, Exilium, Gyze, Revocate, BDisco, Re-Done, Secret Unity, Dario Synth, Gravity Kicks, Raweez, Upraiser, K96, Mad Stylers, Atomik V, Quantum, Deetox, MC Justice, Da Daze, Ncrypta, Tonal Verges, Dj Alekk, Eddyone, Formula G, Battek, DJ Ogi
Hardstyle Top 100 2010-2013
Stormtroopers, Stargazer, B-Twinz, Prolosapien, Lexxxi, Atomik V, Ferren, Noiseshock, Arsenik, Wavemakerz, Michnoss, Maydo Llokko, Reggster, Trackloaders, Sylicious, X-system, Udex, Refuzion, Cold Fusion, Bruno Power, Atlantis, Tekno Traxx, Da Rushstyler, Mid Rangers, Meema Hard S, Thoqy, Freakin Voices, Ironite, Secret Unity, The Un4given, Kronoz, Destructorz, Lisboa-X, Armenianboy, John Jackson, Upraiser, Distort Guyz, Main Suspect, 3nity, Alternate, Jmz, DJ Chris D, Wavepuntcher, Sexual Energy, Chaotic Spirit, Dutch Navigatorz, Dan Van Eijk, Change, Crazy Mind, Dj Home, AJ Busta, Zenteka, Cartesis, W4cko, Austria One, Impact, Ukrainian Hardstylerz, DJ Ded, Y-fact, Tekno Tom, Bassfeeder, Mc Lo Fi, Thieves Of Dreams, X-duxt, The Hammers, Raweez, Lord Of Bass, Curvade, Danouh, Pulserz, Morice Philipe, Proto Bytez, Killer Traxx, N-t3ck, Equanimity, Blacklite, Adam Bass, Unbreakable
Hardstyle Techno Yolo Tunes
Norman Kash, Pulserz, Atomik V, Lisboa-X, Udex, Alternate, Lunatic, Basslickers, Noize Excess, The Atheist, Digrt, Refuzion, Cold Fusion, K96, The Un4given, Tekno Twinz, Ironite, Bassfeeder, Key System, Wave Pressure, Mc Lo Fi, Hardstyle Provider, Dirty Jack, Apex, Stormtroopers, Little F, Raweez, Upraiser, Freakin Voices
Best of Hardstyle 2013 2014
Desired Effectz, Wave Pressure, Fearsome, Q-coz, Defiant, Vizition, W4cko, Ironite, Morton Lee, Esteban Lovax, Verdyboy, Weaver King, Cold Fusion, Main Suspect, Noiseshock, DJ Cook, Guy Lebeau, Hardstyle Provider, Stormtroopers, Dj Kylo, Kronoz, Destructorz, Lord Of Bass, Lisboa-X, Armenianboy, B-Twinz, John Jackson, Penta Grom, Proto Bytez, Austria One, Ghiesz, George Dynamite, Zenteka, North Core Project, Upraiser, DJ Chris D, AJ Busta, Pulserz, Clubb-tuners, Matthew, G1, Twizted, Djen, Messiah Inc., Caled, Dj Trancemaster, Change, Crazy Mind, Dj Home, Alternate, Jmz, Thoqy, Maydo Llokko
Hardstyle Top 100 - 2010 - 2012
B-Twinz, Sylicious, X-system, Udex, Refuzion, Cold Fusion, Bruno Power, Atlantis, Tekno Traxx, Da Rushstyler, Wavepuntcher, Sexual Energy, Messiah Inc., Djen, G1, Twizted, Secret Unity, Matthew, Dutch Navigatorz, Pulserz, AJ Busta, Noise Invasion, Upraiser, Lady Crush, Sector One, Zenteka, Thoqy, J.Ru, Reggster, Cartesis, W4cko, George Dynamite, Ghiesz, Austria One, Proto Bytez, Penta Grom, Apothecary, Raweez, North Core Project, Axel Bourne, Radbase, Alex Noise, Ukrainian Hardstylerz, DJ Ded, Hamburg Hardstyle, Robert G., Lyane Leigh, Hardbassfanatics Allstars, Donito, T.H., Scul, Handsup Playerz, G-zack, Mg Styles, B S K, Maniak, Mr Marz, Manski, Dn Traxx, Toxik Noizer, The Pimp, DJ Eos, The Dealerzz, Anderson T., Aron Setha, Key System, Top-C, Darkstylez, Insiderz, Aga DJ, Impact, DJ Fuchur, Scheller, Zucker, Short-e, Da_bob_e, Morton Lee, Paulistos, DJ Cyglas, Deelay Pain, Mr. Jack O, Joe Nitro, Northcoreproject, R-Traxx, Doomjaychrizz, Noise Elementz, The Revealers, Impakt Now!, Deestylez, Chris One, D10, Alkaline, Neuromechanikz, Coastguard, Green Flush, Tony Lizard, Dj Dwarf, Dj_jk, Bloodpressure, DJ Terrorstyle
Best Of Hardstyle & Jumpstyle Vol.08
Ferren, B-Twinz, Curvade, Danouh, Ironite, Pulserz, Secret Unity, The Un4given, Atomik V, Da Rushstyler, Kronoz, Destructorz, Lord Of Bass, Upraiser, Morice Philipe, Meema Hard S, Dizzmember, Stormtroopers, Distort Guyz, Main Suspect, 3nity, Thoqy, Jmz, Alternate, Trackloaders, Proto Bytez, DJ Chris D, Change, Crazy Mind, Dj Home, Hoxygen, Krystal Em, Sector One, Dj Trancemaster, Caled, Wavepuntcher, Sexual Energy, Chaotic Spirit, Messiah Inc., Djen, G1, Twizted, Matthew, Dutch Navigatorz, AJ Busta, Lady Crush, Zenteka, North Core Project, Reggster
Hardcore & Hardstyle - The Massacre
Minupren, Lord Of Bass, Painbringer, Solar Eclipse, DJ Overlead, The Untitled, Embrionyc, Xamidium, Sandy Warez, Mayhem, Desolation, Ak-industry, Dystopik, Somatic Responses, Omnicide, Starving Insect, Whitepasta, Unscarred, Kaali, Shadowcore, Apothecary, Remy, Upraiser, Penta Grom, Kompressor, Noise Invasion, Skim, Hibou, Stolen Cult, Shadowfiend Dn, Clubb-tuners, Frontal, J.Ru, Dr. Strange, Stormtrooper, The Guard, Lord Nord, Arktis, Omkara Techichi, Onikore, Sei2ure, Raum 107, Biotek, Weisses Rauschen, Alex Gonzao, Meema Hard S, Kronoz, Destructorz, B-Twinz, John Jackson, Ferren, Morice Philipe, Distort Guyz, DJ Karko, 3nity, Hoxygen, Krystal Em, Dj Trancemaster, Messiah Inc., Matthew
Gabberwalky´s Techshow Vol.1
Thoqy, Terminal Trauma, Piecemaker, Ogm909, Twilight, Jackall, overtrip, A-Kriv, Hoxygen, Krystal Em, Cemtex, Pulserz, Jmz, Razor Edge, Kompressor, Dreadkick, Apothecary, Unknown Agents, Ebe Company, Stormtrooper, Brutal Force, Dj Trancemaster, Sector One, Hungry Beats, Chaotic Spirit, Dissonance, Raweez, Upraiser, Reflecti, Koney, Lian, Cubesounds Xxl, The Terrorizers, Alternate, B-Twinz, DJ Karko, Main Suspect, 3nity
Hardcore Radio 2012
Psychodevils, Reggster, Minupren, Hoodzie, Sadistic, Moleculez, Embrionyc, Biotek, DJ Overlead, Sei2ure, The Renegadez, J.Ru, Kompressor, Dreadkick, Proto Bytez, E-S-T, Mokushi, Zanthrax, Psycho Chok, Solar Eclipse, Toysfornoise, Austria One, Sandy Warez, Hungry Beats, Dirty-z, Shadowcore, Dark Frequencer, Rapid-s, Sector One, Nadir Tanz, DJ Chris D, Thoqy, Distort Guyz, Pulserz, Dj Trancemaster, Dutch Navigatorz, Messiah Inc., AJ Busta, Wavolizer, Matthew, BDisco, Re-Done, Noise Invasion, Lady Crush, North Core Project