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Vague Entity, Razor Edge, Max Shade, Hibou, Phorecite Black, Cement Tea, Is:end, Viljo Halla, Convulzion, Lowroller, Low Entropy, Inqoherent, Carnage & Cluster, AUTIST, Shatterling, The Peoples Republic Of Europe, Stormtrooper, Synaptic Memories, Silent Humanity, Eris & Oz1, Ghost Grinder, Maza, Wavolizer, DJ Niel, The Myth, Mental Wreckage, Warchetype, Erre, Sei2ure, Peter Kurten, Dr. Mathlovsky, The Unlord, Strange Arrival, Corrupted Minds, Kader, Skim, Existh, K-Teck, Audio Nail, Bratkilla, The 3Eyed, Cause of Death, God Complex, Djipe, DJ Freak, Visceral, Micron, The Preachers, Strontium, Darkinox, Noizefucker
Dan Royal, Pzyco Beat Project, Thorax, Persona Non Grata, Daniel Seven, Nakura, Quitara, Shadowcore, Re-direction, Deadwin, Omkara Techichi, DJ Overlead, The Raptor, Sml As Freakuience, Mash Manson, The Untitled, Andy The Core, Aural Exciter, R, Mental Disorder, Dreadkick, Bartoch, The Punisher, Chimera, A-Kriv, Cyane, Da Horsemen, Carlos Murphy, Anxiety, The Relic, Omnicide, Starving Insect, Carnage, Cluster, Stormtrooper, Minupren, Solar Eclipse, Lord Of Bass, Painbringer, Unscarred, Kaali, Remy, Sabrina, Reinlaender, Simons, Maydo Llokko, Dj Dawidow, MC Axys, Important Records Allstars, Kompressor, Miss Missgeschick, Skim, The Illuminati, Hibou, Stolen Cult, Shadowfiend Dn, Frontal, Raymusic
Hardcore & Hardstyle - Act Of Force Vol. 1
Aural Exciter, Carlos Murphy, R, Starving Insect, Mental Disorder, Stormtrooper, Minupren, Desolation, Dreadkick, Industrial Frequency, Solar Eclipse, The Untitled, DJ Overlead, Lord Of Bass, Painbringer, Embrionyc, Caled, Fatal Frame, Xamidium, Sandy Warez, The Relic, Ak-industry, Whitepasta, Unscarred, Kaali, Shadowcore, Somatic Responses, Remy, Upraiser, Kompressor, Skim, Hibou, Miss Missgeschick, The Illuminati, Stolen Cult, Sei2ure, Chaotic Spirit, Shadowfiend Dn, DJ Karko, Strontium, Alex Gonzao, Raum 107, Raymusic, Dr. Strange, Dizzmember, The Guard, Fracture 4, Omkara Techichi, Cubic Nomad, Mindwalker, Biotek, Weisses Rauschen, The Renegadez, Sadistic, Ferren, B-Twinz, Curvade, Danouh, Ironite, Secret Unity, The Un4given, Meema Hard S, Atomik V, Destructorz, Lisboa-X, Armenianboy, John Jackson, Morice Philipe, Maydo Llokko, 3nity, Alternate, Jmz, Pulserz, Dj Trancemaster, Dutch Navigatorz
Hardcore & Hardstyle - The Massacre
Minupren, Lord Of Bass, Painbringer, Solar Eclipse, DJ Overlead, The Untitled, Embrionyc, Xamidium, Sandy Warez, Mayhem, Desolation, Ak-industry, Dystopik, Somatic Responses, Omnicide, Starving Insect, Whitepasta, Unscarred, Kaali, Shadowcore, Apothecary, Remy, Upraiser, Penta Grom, Kompressor, Noise Invasion, Skim, Hibou, Stolen Cult, Shadowfiend Dn, Clubb-tuners, Frontal, J.Ru, Dr. Strange, Stormtrooper, The Guard, Lord Nord, Arktis, Omkara Techichi, Onikore, Sei2ure, Raum 107, Biotek, Weisses Rauschen, Alex Gonzao, Meema Hard S, Kronoz, Destructorz, B-Twinz, John Jackson, Ferren, Morice Philipe, Distort Guyz, DJ Karko, 3nity, Hoxygen, Krystal Em, Dj Trancemaster, Messiah Inc., Matthew