Minimal & Deep House Dj and producer. Hailing from the picturesque city of Erfurt in Germany, PTTY, also known as Patty, embarked on his musical journey from an early age. With a versatile musical background, he has honed his craft across various genres. Since 2010, PTTY has been channeling his creativity into the world of electronic music, particularly carving out his niche in the realm of Deep House. Known for his ability to blend diverse influences and genres, PTTY's music echoes with a signature style, showcasing a groovy and dubby sound that resonates vividly in his tracks and mixes.
Latest Releases
Melodic House & Techno Trax, Vol. 6
Sodara (CH), Berny.G, Beta Function, Bhiav, Big City Beat, Big Zero, Bilel Gargouri, BillyJay, Chicagoboy, Bioslave, Matthias Hoffmann, Bitonal, bkfp, Black Suite, Black'H, BlackBeatz, Blacksheep, Joe Cozzo, Blaise Grippa, Blinky Blinky Computerband, Blue Panthers, Blø:ndi, Bobby Escobar, Boys in Town, Bros Axis, Starscapes, Bruise Juice, Brumbassen, Bruno Messner, Bulhin, Bunched
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