Phil Dark

Already Released on Time Has Changed , Siteholder ,Fantastic Friends , 4line Records and CatWash , Phil Dark isan actor of the parisian night and called « T he relief »DJ with influences ranging from house, teck house and deeptechno supported by the biggest dj’s of the parisianunderground scene such as Dan Ghenacia, Chris Carrier, DjWild, Jef K, Seuil.Known for his atypic mix, aerial and progressiv, hypnotic andgroovy and his sense of the dancefloor, he imposed himselfon the parisian electronic scene.He is the Creator of a monthly party in Paris : We WantDance was born in 2007 with the envy to develop Parisiandancefloors, changing habits, connecting people andespecially making them dance and groove on a HappyHouse and Techno music of quality! Dj Phil Dark, his creator,has thought of a simple

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