Considered one of the most prolific underground DJs & Producers in the world it’s clear that music is like water to Motoe Haus. From his well respected early works in hip hop dating back to '98 to his legendary, ongoing releases over the last decade in techno, he has exponentially traversed many genres to accumulate this vast studio and stage skill set. His approach is free, honest, and yet structured with a work flow that is only deciphered from 45,000 hours in the studio logged over many years producing his original releases and official remixes for artists Kool n tha Gang, Jimi Hendrix, NIN, Fleetwood Mac, Jefferson Airplane, Jerome Sydenham, Leon Morley, Samy Jarrar, SIR, and many more. Renown for high intensity, sexy galactic freight train driven 4+ hour sets, & epic surreal genre bending production,