Latest Releases
Bassrush 3.0 (Viper Presents)
Matrix & Futurebound, Dimension, TC, The Prototypes, Cyantific, Kronology, Consouls, Dossa & Locuzzed, Synergy, Teddy Killerz, Memtrix, Juno, Franky Nuts, NCT, InsideInfo, Ekko & Sidetrack, NC-17, Toronto Is Broken, Maniatics, T & Sugah, BMotion, Flite, Heist, Spaow, Des McMahon, Barbarix, Volatile Cycle, Zombie Cats, Clear Skys, Madface, Soothslayer, Follow The Sun, Aktive, Theatrix, Prestige, Various Artists
Bassrush 2.0 (Viper Presents)
Original Sin, Jaguar Skills, The Prototypes, J Majik, Jonay, Matrix & Futurebound, Aktive, Bad Syntax, Replicant, InsideInfo, Drumsound & Bassline Smith, Cyantific, Varcity, Zeal, Consouls, Moby, Des McMahon, not sorry, Dub Elements, Dilemn, Blaine Stranger, Kallan HK, Toronto Is Broken, Murdock, Killer Hertz, Ekko & Sidetrack, Brookes Brothers, Dossa & Locuzzed, Trei, Insomniax, Mob Tactics, NC-17, The Voss, Theatrix, Blacklab, Various Artists
Technique Summer 2017 (100%% Drum & Bass)
Drumsound & Bassline Smith, Brookes Brothers, Fliwo, Muffler, Tantrum Desire, Salaryman, Kronology, Tapolsky & VovKING, T:Base, L Plus, Matrix & Futurebound, Subdivision, Revaux, Tweakz, Emtee, Javano, Aquasky, Document One, MaxNRG, Casey Jones, Invaderz, Murdock, Vision, Zen Dub, Schematic, Spectrem, NC-17, Des McMahon, Genzo, Ill Truth, Defex (1), Surplus, AudioSketch, Critical Event, Oder, Danny Wheeler, Stereotype, Polaris, Atomik Tags, Akomplis, Conspire, T-Phonic & Deadman, Dan Guidance, SKMA, Hungry T, Brian Brainstorm, Living Plastic, War Machine, Consouls, Various Artists
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