Duane Barry is a producer of progressive breaks and melodic, atmospheric electronica from South-West England. Wit h over 40 product ions on over 25 record labels worldwide, bot h his original t racks and remixes are renowned for their intricate layers of pads and strings, deep bass, swirling melodies and broken beats. As a DJ, he's delivered interviews/guest spots on various radio stations around the world including Kiss FM, Radio 1 and Frisky Radio. He also hosts the successful breaks show/podcast "Cosmic Refractions" on DanceRadioGlobal/iTunes.Duane is also the owner and operator of Breakspoll- nominated label Digital Sensation UK - a label focused on showcasing the very best in progressive and futuristic breaks.
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Wind Down Routine 034
Virtual Reality, Box Beats, Lele Fontana, BeatMatt, Nighk, Frenic, Extasy Project, Donald Wilborn, Kosheen, Di, CJ Peeton, DJ T.H., Carrie Mandalay, ARTY, Tania Zygar, Mag-netic, Mayd Hubb, Samy Fresh, SignOfCrows, TimeBounds, Helicalin, DMITRY HERTZ, Dyno, Devil, Mongolca, DC-512, Peter Power, Aziz Roshdy, Titun Fernandez, V.G.
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