Future Stars, Vol. 5
Aamos, Ben McConnell, Christopher Corrigan, Andy Kumanov, Kataploks, AlexSo, TimAir, Sveta Soul, Ruslan Device, Katsu, Awantalyst, Salto Angel, Nick V
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Infrasonic: The Best of 2022
Andy Kumanov, Rakielis, Caleb Golston, Epidemika, Pulse & Sphere, Claus Backslash, Tonerush, Kataploks, RayD8, Awantalyst, Salto Angel, Conor Holohan, Farnoodex, Jackob Roenald, Araya, Mark Dreamer, Aeon Shift, Amar N, Andy Cain, Zara Taylor, AlexSo, TimAir, Sveta Soul, Kiran M Sajeev, Jhonny Vergel, Ruslan Device, Katsu, Glynn Alan
Infrasonic: The Best of 2021
Epidemika, JANPAUL, Aamos, Nikhil Prakash, David Deere, Milad E, Empirian, Vince Blakk, Sendr, Sue McLaren, Solis & Sean Truby, Allan Berndtz, Christopher Corrigan, Anthya, UDM, Ultimate, Maria Milewska, Nord Horizon, Andy Cain, Amar N, Alex Byrka, Anton van Sprundel, Abstract Vision, Hydro Poison, Luke Terry, AirLab7, Ben McConnell, Pulse & Sphere, SkyKeeper, Holbrook, Jochan Morrisen, MNBT, Kenny Palmer
Infrasonic Summer Selection 2021
Epidemika, Nikhil Prakash, David Deere, Milad E, Cold Face, Kataploks, Aamos, Sub Question, Noinne, Empirian, Arggic, Leonard A, Pavel Koreshkov, JANPAUL, Rakielis, Ultimate, Maria Milewska, Sue McLaren, Solis & Sean Truby, Ben McConnell, Jochan Morrisen, SkyKeeper, Holbrook, Anthya, Alex Byrka, Anton van Sprundel, Amar N, Nord Horizon
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