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Junky Robot HS01 : 5 Years
Seq9, Bomba Flex, 2Clic, Samite, Franck Kartell, Fabrice Torricella, Da Productor, Electro Compulsif, Noisebuilder, Disturbed Traxx, Gofrilab, DJ Gomor, Badaf, Jad aka Barret, Neofluxx, Gelstat, Greg Filter, Karl Simon, Mid Wooder, Ze Bug, Rakam, The Edge, Mik Izif, Peyo, Parano & Parker, Zack Bvlgari, Red Sunrise, Unitech
Bass Agenda Vol 1: The Fight Against The Mundane
Illektrolab and 4th Genome, Romplex, The Exaltics, Datacrashrobot, Franck Kartell, R21, Middle Men, Iffnot and PROT_O_TYPE, Vadim SVD, Pl_anet, N-ter, Miotek, Medora, Weapons of Bass Destruction, The Korrupted Brothers, W1b0, Alavux, Dwellz, Noise&Noise, Hadamard, Deemphasis, _AWOL, Scape One, Microslav, Das Muster, Jay Mass, DefBass, Rawtary, Sync 24, Clatterbox, The Hidden Persuader, DVS NME, The Outsider
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