Latest Releases
Goa Kingdom 2023 - the Psychedelic Experience
Fabio Fusco, Joicey, Liquid Soul, Pribe, Silent Sphere, Yestermorrow, Alter Nature, Mama Gaia, Red Pulse, Terra, Ace Ventura, Vertical Mode, Base Trap, Numayma, Alurian, Hazmat Haze, Astrounit, Transpose, Eamo, Antinomy, Formula None, Khromata, Heisenberg, Shadow Moon, Surge, Balcosmos, Audiodact, Releasse, Opix, Reidak, Adonis, Hyderagon, dual vision, Retronic, SOME1, Odiseo, Mr. Garden, Rising Dust
Psy Trance Culture 2022 - Spiritual Rebels of Goa
Hidden Secret, One Function, SOME1, Migel, Krama, Altered State, Impulser, Sonic Sense, Status Zero, Atomik, ALHYD, Elastic, Interactive Noise, Surge, Northwind, Poxell, Pablo Anon, Balcosmos, Chrizzlix, Tophoo, Shock Therapy, Ancestral Code, The Freak Show, Relaz, Psymurai, dual vision, Gipsy Soul, Lyktum, Illusion Tonic, Elementrix, Trip2Go, Astrounit, Fertile, Evelyn, Hyderagon, Brox
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