Nobody can say for sure where Tinexis has come from. Yesterday he wasn’t there but today his grin start reaching electronic music all over. Some people say he is just an ordinary person to whom anonymity has a really strong appeal in today’s era of online communication. Others let their imagination run wild and spread rumors about him opening a portal to a parallel world. Really, Tinexis himself can neither confirm nor deny any of these conjectures – he keeps silent. He is a mystery for everybody. He can disappear immediately after a show and melt into a crowded place. Only his representative talks to people and even he claims he doesn’t know any more than any others.Tinexis talks with him – just like he talks with you – through
Latest Releases
Juice Box
Marco De Nor, Mar G Rock, Dark HunterZ, Dj Taco, Cristhian Kaiser, namelesz, Tinexis, GLF, Sundrej Zohar, Mr.Mind, RaMuco, Bookash, Superb Mind, Xiasou, Contribute Translation, Omar Yasser, BERDU, Wohj (BR), BRIAN DE SANTIS, Keistep, Martinec, Eyal Rabia, George Ledakis, RZNEBEL, Enertia-sound, Noise Generation, Facundo Tapon
ADE Highlights SFR.The Golden Selection
Kabir Khan, Neuralis, EKIS EKIS, Avgvs, Sebas Ramos, Andre UIO, RaMuco, Approximate, Lightning Effect, Superb Mind, Masedonico, THE TIMELESS (be), Facundo Tapon, Serge Canteros, Uzun, Noise Generation, Keistep, Eddy Tango, Sundrej Zohar, Monostone, Dj Taco, Zy Khan, Eyal Rabia, Nick Mason, Lusty Apricot, Gogo Vagena, Marco De Nor, Giovanni Dorio, Sun Progress, Steven Flynn, Chris Sterio, Land Mammal UK, Xiasou, Contribute Translation, Axel Zambrano, Tinexis, Mar G Rock, Alfonso G, Divestorm, The Timeless (ofc), Enertia-sound, Nerutto, Jachmastr, Tumzz, PAIRETTI, Lucas Zárate, Kris Dur, Omar Yasser, Martinec, BERDU, Sebastian Campo, Silvio Sidelnick, MC Kasper, Noise88, Sanula, GLF, Cristhian Kaiser, Aglaia Rave, namelesz, Edvard Hunger, UNIV3RSE (sL), Wohj (BR), Gaston Viveros, Aquaella, Don Longton, Mr.Mind, BillyJay, Juampi Navarro, Juram, Ali Maher, Adora (SL), Nabil Chami, BRIAN DE SANTIS, Dark HunterZ, IN-sane, Devin Jay, Dylan Deck, K3SARA, Eve, ATIK ATH, Vitti Alonso, Srionfleek, Dimitris Palikaris, Last 2 Standing
Yacht Club, Vol. 2
Noise Generation, Monostone, Enertia-sound, Lightning Effect, Facundo Tapon, Sebas Ramos, Keistep, Zy Khan, Sigma Pr, Leandro Murua, UNIV3RSE (sL), Andre Sebastian, Uzun, Wohj (BR), Gaston Viveros, Alfonso G, Martinec, Guy Augustin, Nick Mason, Serge Canteros, Home Shell, Olven, Devin Jay, ISHAN ATTE, Hernán Torres, Michael Kortenhaus, THE TIMELESS (be), Ali Maher, Dylan Deck, Neuralis, Aquaella, Mar G Rock, Marco De Nor, Marco CeToS
Yacht Club
Sigma Pr, Archy, Dj Taco, Don Longton, Mar G Rock, PAIRETTI, Slandry Gatse, Michael Kortenhaus, Omar Yasser, Marco De Nor, The Timeless (ofc), Xiasou, Butterflies on Mars, Nerutto, Sebas Ramos, Andre UIO, Jachmastr, Noise Generation, Monostone, Enertia-sound, Eddy Tango, Sundrej Zohar, Zy Khan, Dj Akira Prophets Tribe, Adora (SL), BRIAN DE SANTIS, Nabil Chami, Mr.Mind, Guy Augustin, Nick Mason, Serge Canteros, Ali Maher, Vinjay, Hernán Torres, Keistep, Alfonso G, Martinec, Facundo Tapon, Lusty Apricot, Gogo Vagena, Neuralis, Last 2 Standing, Eyal Rabia, B.ö.L, Axshan, Emiliano Ferrareso, Jero Nougues, Randle, Sun Progress, Bookash, TOKUMORI
Sweet Candy
Jachmastr, sangregorio.music, Mahts, Monostone, Zy Khan, Two R, Nabil Chami, Nick Mason, Alfonso G, Leandro Murua, Hernán Torres, Steven Flynn, Keistep, Axshan, Noise Generation, Mar G Rock, Mr.Mind, Tinexis, Axel Zambrano, Martinec, Omar Alejandro (Ec), Xiasou, ATIK ATH, Mr. Freeze (SL), Lightning Effect
One Year Sounds and Frequencies
Mr.Mind, Keistep, Martinec, Zy Khan, The Timeless (ofc), Xiasou, Butterflies on Mars, Marco De Nor, Omar Yasser, Noise Generation, NIRA SL, Serge Canteros, Mar G Rock, Nick Mason, Lusty Apricot, Gogo Vagena, RZNEBEL, Enertia-sound, ATIK ATH, EKIS EKIS, Jachmastr, George Ledakis, Dark HunterZ, Tinexis, Divestorm
Blanc Stone Top 100
Findike, Alborythme, Nigel C, APX Sound, Peter Wok, Ben Green Music, Guen B, Tinexis, Axel Black, J72, Deljoi, Guti Legatto, Paniz69, Kiril Melkonov, Alias Frank Omaley, Dano C, Guen.b, Raziel B, MSTE, Mister-M, Patrick Smyth, Prince AfIf, L.U.B.O, MaximoProducer, DarkenTeller, Andy Line, Brutu Music, Danny Villagrasa, Serialnumberz Snz, Enertia-sound, Matias Carafa, Victor Pignatelli, NIGHTLAB, Oskar Jay, Sebas Ramos, Facto, Rollo (BE), Steve Deluxe, Ramus, Das KDr, Andy Line pres. ARX, Krid Snero, Felipe Michelin, Juan-P Ballesteros, DJ B-Side, Galvano, EFRAM, PSYCKO, Rowen-X, 5OM, KYDE OFFICIAL, Hakimono Zhoe, Mahir Kanik, Jerry-Jerr, RVBTheHague, Reenday, Ricky Da Dragon, MUUK, Bodhi Adityo
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