Latest Releases
Funky Soul, Vol. 4
Seumas Norv, Vanessa Becker, The Sandbust Orchestra, Jaques Le Noir, Tempting Tribes, Soul Essence, Orlando Johnson, Bad House Strippa, Tom Brownlow, Sir Deep, Rosie Mary, Monosenso, Joe D'Amato, N Passant, Iblis, Mysia, Marcella, Lo Zio Sam, Sabnock, Erick Portman, Lovely Dana, Marc Misk, Keyklova, La Matta, Joust Phillips, Soulsoap, Joka Chups, Libellula, Julian Ross, Pernambuco, Lay's World
House Division, Vol. 02
Paco Caniza, GUTT, Bsharry, Seumas Norv, Teyno, Bortus, Nico Zandolino, KENO, Lea König, Eric Belucca, Capo & Comes, Seska, Chris Lambert, Jack Matter, C.A.T., Aaron Noise, Fabio Mek, The Teachers, Francis Davila, Chris Teva, Soulsoap, Chad Sweeper, Salvatore Pierro, Adam Da Guy, Bes & Meret, Jaques Le Noir, M, D, Kevin Ettienne, FUNKYBEAT, Shaun Baker, NDEE, Jonny Gabriel, Luis Rondina, Alex Berti, Dot Comma, Paul Parsons, Joshua Lazer, N@OM1, Alex Nevil, Jerem Maniaco
Funky Soul, Vol. 3
Wilson & Johnson, Joka Chups, Willy Fog, Tred Union, Jaques Le Noir, Tempting Tribes, Pumpkin Air, Soulsoap, Mi Ni, Sleep Mats, Rosie Mary, Justin Point, Fallow, Julian Ross, Dark Appointments, Pernambuco, Houseledge Incorporated, Nrgee, Soul Essence, Righini Traxxx, Pharaon, Deep Rence, Iza Bel, Taradu, Sandy Fantasy, Lo Zio Sam, Nu Ground Foundation, Iblis, Seumas Norv, Cow Bells
Funky Soul, Vol. 2
Seumas Norv, Jaques Le Noir, Simone Intrieri, Ice Hall, Tred Union, Manrag, The Sandbust Orchestra, Soulsoap, Pharaon, SNSX, PM Project, Everlasting Touch, Sali e Tabacchi, Monosenso, Cut On Beats, Gilbert Mest, Foot Plinter, Sisc, Ragged Groove, Hausmore, Big Blessing, Iza Bel, Lauryn May, Willy Fog, Pernambuco, Downtown People, Jonny Stecchino, Deep Deviant, Erick Portman, Julian Ross
Something's Going on in My Soul, Vol. 4
Nu Ground Foundation, 4brownbottles, Rocking Heads, Clownfish, Jonny Stecchino, Alex Natale, Fluid-Deluxe, Ben Coen, Erick Portman, Houseledge Incorporated, Iag & Omoc, Righini Traxxx, C.A.T., Keyklova, Justin Point, Deep Rence, Cut On Beats, Vanessa Becker, The Sandbust Orchestra, Soap Bubbles, Pattern 1, Lost Vision, Soul Essence, Libellula, Iblis, Carango, Brych, Soulsoap, Dainpeace, Joka Chups, Gin Fizz, Analog Human
Something's Going on in My Soul, Vol. 2
Wilson & Johnson, Deep Deviant, C.A.T., Phil Rouge, Double U, Joe D'Amato, Dheva, Sir Deep, PM Project, Iag & Omoc, Apostrof, Clownfish, EditR, Dimitry Soul, Nrgee, Pumpkin Air, Tempting Tribes, Ninurta, Libellula, Nu Ground Foundation, Soulsoap, The Real New Deal, N Passant, Deepskip, Sleep Mats, The Sandbust Orchestra, Dainpeace, Beatown, Public Invasion, Soul Essence, Everlasting Touch
Something's Going on in My Soul, Vol. 1
Soul Essence, Fierce Company, Jigante, Ragged Groove, Soulsoap, Paul Andrews, Ale Flowers, Frankie Ferronato, Everlasting Touch, Liz Fr, Jaques Le Noir, Phil Rouge, Geppy's Family, Double U, Houseledge Incorporated, BSH, Edo, The Real New Deal, Pattern 1, Arpia, Lorenzo Righini, Francesca, Nick Detti, Downtown People, Simon Shane, Oskar Jay, Ipanov, Joe D'Amato, Righini Traxxx, Krik Over, Artesia, La Matta, Analog Human, Warehouse Ministries, Blondie Bee
Let's Celebrate! (Shiny Disco Tunes), Vol. 4
Dainpeace, Iag & Omoc, Carango, Alex Natale, Fluid-Deluxe, Ben Coen, The Sandbust Orchestra, Analog Human, Dheva, Francesca, Nick Detti, Vanessa Becker, Lorenzo Righini, Soulsoap, C.A.T., Deepskip, Tempting Tribes, Righini Traxxx, Nu Ground Foundation, Simon Shane, Oskar Jay, 4brownbottles, Nrgee, Deep Rence, Cut On Beats, Sleep Mats, Ragged Groove, Double U, Clownfish, La Matta, Rocking Heads, Pattern 1, Soul Essence, Artesia
Let's Celebrate! (Shiny Disco Tunes), Vol. 3
PM Project, Downtown People, Checkmate, Iblis, The Sandbust Orchestra, La Matta, Jigante, Big Blessing, Faustino, Lost Vision, Joe D'Amato, Ale Flowers, Frankie Ferronato, Clownfish, Keyklova, Pumpkin Air, Soulsoap, Ninurta, Brych, Soul Essence, Houseledge Incorporated, Joka Chups, Tempting Tribes, Carango, Erick Portman, Jaques Le Noir, Phil Rouge, Libellula, Pattern 1, Artesia, Sir Deep
Let's Celebrate! (Shiny Disco Tunes), Vol. 2
Ed Lee, Deep Deviant, Arpia, N Passant, EditR, Dimitry Soul, Justin Point, Apostrof, Houseledge Incorporated, Warehouse Ministries, Blondie Bee, Kim & Joice, Deepberry, Fierce Company, Ice Hall, Pumpkin Air, Erick Portman, Liz Fr, The Real New Deal, Libellula, Soulsoap, Bred & Co., Everlasting Touch, Sir Deep, Luis Meza, Noble North, Phil Rouge, Soul Essence, The Sandbust Orchestra, Beatown, Analog Human, Double U, Pattern 1
Turn Up The Music (The House Classics), Vol. 2
Twins Of House, Luis Rondina, Alex Berti, Dot Comma, ReLight Orchestra, DJ Dami, Vincent, Bianco, Pich, Ang3lino, Niko Deejay, Funkyside, Greta Gretz, Deep Zone Project, Vessy Boneva, Hanna Marine, Z.EN, Patrizio Celano, J Kony, Igino Coni, Soulsoap, 2Black, Puma, Mauama, Xela Nitarab, Strange Rotation, Andrea T Mendoza, Alex Avenue, Bryan Blue, Signorini, Elena, P.S., Shena, Andrea Raffa, DJ Slave, Fabrizio Fullone, Dario Dee, Park Jay Sun, Chad Sweeper, Heart Of Space, Disco Blu, Saint Chickens, The Houzelab, Anderson Mele, Z.EN., Honeymoon, Art Of Nothing, Salvatore Pierro
Funky Nights, Vol. 3
Ninurta, Sleep Mats, Beatown, Phil Rouge, Soul Essence, C.A.T., Paul Andrews, Soulsoap, Houseledge Incorporated, Ragged Groove, BSH, Pattern 1, Brych, Rocking Heads, Dainpeace, Bred & Co., Tempting Tribes, Double U, Class Section, Luis Meza, Noble North, Carango, Analog Human, N Passant, Sir Deep, Jaques Le Noir, Clownfish, Lay's World, Apostrof, Erick Portman, La Matta
Funky Nights, Vol. 2
Double U, Pumpkin Air, Checkmate, Righini Traxxx, Krik Over, Pattern 1, Ale Flowers, Frankie Ferronato, Simon Shane, Oskar Jay, Analog Human, Liz Fr, The Sandbust Orchestra, 4brownbottles, Joe D'Amato, Sir Deep, Clownfish, Nrgee, Iag & Omoc, Libellula, Soul Essence, Deep Rence, Ninurta, Ed Lee, Keyklova, Cut On Beats, Soap Bubbles, The Real New Deal, Soulsoap, Nu Ground Foundation, Lost Vision, Everlasting Touch
Funky Nights, Vol. 1
Joka Chups, Nu Ground Foundation, Pernambuco, Fierce Company, The Sandbust Orchestra, Double U, Public Invasion, Soul Essence, Jigante, Lorenzo Righini, Edo, The Real New Deal, Libellula, Big Blessing, Deepskip, N Passant, Houseledge Incorporated, Faustino, Soulsoap, Gin Fizz, Ice Hall, Lost Vision, Tempting Tribes, Clownfish, Erick Portman, Joe D'Amato, Iag & Omoc, C.A.T., Arpia, Artesia, Carango
Sunny Soul And Funky House, Vol. 4
Nu Ground Foundation, Arpia, Ninurta, Downtown People, The Real New Deal, Joe D'Amato, N Passant, Ipanov, Deepskip, Righini Traxxx, Sleep Mats, Francesca, Nick Detti, The Sandbust Orchestra, Krik Over, Beatown, Everlasting Touch, Soulsoap, Ale Flowers, Frankie Ferronato, Phil Rouge, Artesia, Clownfish, Simon Shane, Oskar Jay, C.A.T., La Matta, Public Invasion, Analog Human, Dainpeace, Warehouse Ministries, Blondie Bee, Soul Essence, Liz Fr
Sunny Soul And Funky House, Vol. 3
Paul Andrews, Wilson, Johnson, Fierce Company, C.A.T., Ragged Groove, Deep Deviant, Soul Essence, Joe D'Amato, Soulsoap, Dheva, Everlasting Touch, Sir Deep, Jaques Le Noir, PM Project, Jigante, Iag & Omoc, Geppy's Family, Apostrof, Double U, Clownfish, Houseledge Incorporated, EditR, Dimitry Soul, Lorenzo Righini, Nrgee, BSH, Pumpkin Air, Edo, The Real New Deal, Libellula, Pattern 1, Phil Rouge
Sunny Soul And Funky House, Vol. 2
Lost Vision, Double U, Soul Essence, Deepberry, Libellula, Pumpkin Air, Rocking Heads, La Matta, Big Blessing, Deep Rence, Carango, The Sandbust Orchestra, Houseledge Incorporated, Checkmate, Brych, Deepskip, Faustino, Pattern 1, Bred & Co., Kim & Joice, Soulsoap, Artesia, Dainpeace, Analog Human, Joka Chups, Ninurta, Tempting Tribes, Erick Portman, Gin Fizz, Ed Lee
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