Producer and french dj expatriated in Berlin, PMX SoundZhas earned oneself these las years a reputation of crowdenflammer in the east of France and at the border of theeast Germany, through several years of activism, and ofperformances in the majors events of his region. T hroughexcessives and technical mixs, he shares with the publicsome real sound experiences, which transform each eventas something unique : his "trademark" which permited him toplay with some of the famous international electronic artists.From now on living in Berlin, he's developping a deeperapproach of the music, through collaboration with someproducers and dj from the international and the undergroundelectronic scene.In his side production, since 2009, hesigned 8 labels, which the famous Stilecht rocken records,Amazone records, Scanders records. He also released hisfirst complete EP, and is already remixed