Latest Releases
Deep One Love, Vol. 4
Paul Daveson, Leonard Marcus, Don Major, System 4, Playamann, Roza Kanina, Mark Langarde, Antigua Blue, Supermodels, Jean Cloude Chapion, Deep Elements, Sound Of Nyc, Philip McLane, The Duke, Sandrino, Frank Riviera, Rick Loveland, Aramha, James Wax, Carl Kobra, Soul Of Rome, Rory Williams, Global Mind, Mr. Nice, Tony Roja, Ioshi Kawashi, Soul Grooves, Alexis Cyprus, Thomas Walbrunnen, Kanosa, Connell Josiah, Milk Company, Sam Stoner
Weekend Deep, Vol. 4
Mr. Nice, Pajero Orchestra, Klod Rights, Balearica, Viktor Astoria, Outwave Project, Sammy Yon, Klimt, Anthony Maserati, Milk Company, Hill Heaven, Geoffrey Wilfred, Shirleysaid, Vivid Sun, Nelson Kay, Carlos Diaz, Tech House Lovers, Sam Stoner, Andrew Waxman, Frankie Esse, A. Beckford, Carl Vee, Ruadh Munro, Wicked Sounds, Tigger, Mora Orphey, Deepland, Roy Rolls
Hi Berlin! (Deep-House Tunes), Vol. 3
Colin Parker, Beach Coffee Ensemble, Lemongrass, Scot & Millfield, Da Chello, Renoa, Tony Deledda, Solid Groove, Gorillag, Mario Santo, Santos Devana, Krokodile Krugel, M. Belladonna, Solar Cycle, Francesco Diaz, Karl Frierson, The Mask, Joni, Senseekers, Deep Couture, Jaques Le Noir, Milk Company, Johnny Dench, Matthew S, Von Felthen, Damon Grey, Abigail Bailey, Tom & Jerry, Cristian Marconi, Thomas Heat, Lille Bro, Schaller, Tolly Brody, Mr. Nice, Andrea Maffei
O Lala....(Deep House & Only), Vol. 1
Kobra, Santos Devana, Andrew Waxman, Johnny Divine, Luy Garoche, Mariah Voce, Vivid Sun, Wicked Sounds, Nicola Minella, Navona, Tony D., Stephan Hunt, Mr. Nice, Style Industry, Modell & Mercier, Nelson Kay, Yovann Blue, Milk Company, Soul Grooves, Beautiful Woman, Silvano Del Gado, Paul Cutie, Klod Rights, The Mask, M. Belladonna, Antony Fennel, Cristian Marconi
Eden Bar Essentials, Vol. 3 (Finest In Melodic Deep House Music)
Kasstedy, Qooos, Swooney, Marcelos Pi, George Morley, Patrick Hofmann & Danez, Thomas Krings, Fullar, Will Fast, Malina, Thomas K., Smoking Tunes, Hofmann & Weigold, Juls, Chris.I.Am, Sam Stoner, Thomas Walbrunnen, Kanosa, Patrik Ford, Mark From London, Jeff Montclair, Philippe Antonin, Dheva, Alexandre Versel, Clownfish, Cotton Animals, Zulu Natives, Milk Company, Hel
Weekend Hang Out, Vol. 2 (Have A Drink With Me, It's Weekend)
Bes & Meret, Dany Cohiba, Steve Josh, Bronx Cheer, Carmen Clayton, Darjush Fassih, Kalles Fashion Center, Pete S Oliver, Thomas Lizzara, Finger & Kadel, Talstrasse 3-5, Tom Leeland, Kieron, Dreamer, Miguel Alcobia, Vilia, Deeppirate, LaDelan, The Boogeyman, Deist & Brandenburg, Alex Brakale, Lano, J. Jensen, Dainpeace, Patrik Ford, Larry Scottish, Milk Company, Gorillag
Inspiration Deep, Vol. 2
Ioshi Kawashi, Kay Christopher, Mr. Nice, Nicola Minella, Tony Deledda, Antony Fennel, Tigger, Mora Orphey, Belladonna, Umbria Style, Simon S, Pajero Orchestra, Tedd Maneva, Praia Mare, Skakko, Santos Pasha, Balearica, Steven Laroche, Dubb & Play, Sumo Productions, Klod Rights, Silvano Del Gado, Paul Cutie, Andrea Maffei, DJ Aleksij & Klod Rights, Milk Company, Patrik Ford, Fashion Grooves
Deep-House Bandits, Vol. 2 (30 Ultimate Beach Shakers)
Matty Menck, Andy B. Jones, Ela, Jaques Le Noir, Alexandra Prince, Aleksey, Mark From London, Viktor Astoria, Jeff Montclair, Stephan Hunt, Kay Christopher, Geoffrey Wilfred, Deep Soulstice, Fashion Grooves, Dubb & Play, Philippe Antonin, The Bee, Micah Sinjin, Patrik Ford, Martha Fenn, Ruadh Munro, Miguel Alcobia, Syl Sanders, Yovann Blue, Thomas Walbrunnen, Kanosa, Milk Company, Vivid Sun, Scot & Millfield, Da Chello, Tigger, Mora Orphey, Robert Owner, Isabelle Montgomery, Dr. Beat, Sam Stoner, Mr. Groove
Don't Worry Be Sexy, Vol. 1 (20 Deep-House Flavors)
Sam Stoner, Robert Owner, Isabelle Montgomery, Chile Lavern, Kay Christopher, Sander Wonder, The Bee, Dubb & Play, Syl Sanders, Beach Friends, Philippe Antonin, Tolly Brody, Viktor Astoria, Roy Rolls, Masters of Groove, Milk Company, Deep Soulstice, Tim Strehelen, Fashion Grooves, Thomas Walbrunnen, Kanosa, Martha Fenn