Castaneda Sami began his musical "career" in the age of eleven playing around with some Dos based tracker programs. Afer that everything just started developing in to something more serious and after a few years, here we are. Nowadays Sami gets plays from the top jocks of the world. The year 2004 was really changing Samis style. Sami has been exploring different styles of dance music trying to combine them with each other to create something new. The next few years will show if he'll succeed.
Latest Releases
This Is... Tech Trance
Arc In The Sky, Castaneda, Sensorica, Matt Hardwick, John Askew, Nick Sentience, Danny Oliveira, Greg Downey, Gate 42, Tom Colontonio, Axel Karakasis, Krzysztof Chochlow, Drama, Dave Schiemann, Peetu S, Gary Maguire, Johan Ekman, DJ Jack, Spencer, Sean Tyas, FFW, Adam Foley, Matt Kidd, Chris Kidd, Will Rees, Des McMahon, Indecent Noise, Ian Booth, Lisa Lashes
Pure Trance - 50 Trance Classics
Icone, John Askew, Castaneda, Stenna, Sensorica, Tenthu, Aled Mann, Frontline, Nicholas Bennison, Gate 42, Frase, The Viceroy, Daniel Blanks, Kenidel Lopez, Graham Gold, Ben Gold, Deems, Sean Tyas, Tom Colontonio, Johan Ekman, Greg Downey, Graeme Harrison, Dreas, Vicky Devine, Sterilis, Drama, Michael Lee, Matt Hardwick, Melinda Gareh, David Newsum, Paul Miller, Tiddey, James Kelly, Danny Powers, Manuel Le Saux, PROYAL, Vast Vision, Para X, Will Atkinson, Liam Wilson, NEOS, Diego Morrill, James Black Presents, NX-Trance, Semper T., SinSonic, T.O.M., Laura May, Mosahar
Duty Free Records - The Collection
Camisra, Tall Paul, INXS, Praha, Hatrixx, Thermobee & Stratosphere, Andy Manston, Lottie, Darren Christian, Fergie DJ, Dave Aude, Argento, The Grifters, The Son, Baby Blue, High Class Hookers, Jon The Dentist, Digistar, Durango 95, Chac, Embargo, Raoul Zerna, Midtone, Mr G, Mal Black, Ed Stone, BK, Dave Randall, Godspeed, Castaneda, Steve Lee, Homemade, Y.B.F., Frontline, Disciples Of Sound, Michelle Nicole
Subculture 2011 - Unmixed
John O'Callaghan, Neal Scarborough, Betsie Larkin, Aly & Fila, Jurrane, Sly One, Tom Colontonio, CiBon, Gary Proud, Castaneda, A.R.D.I., Irena Love, Chris Metcalfe, Paul Miller, Jwaydan, Giuseppe Ottaviani, Full Tilt, Deirdre McLaughlin, Paul Oakenfold, Arkadi, Sebastian Brandt, Will Atkinson, Man With No Name, John Dopping, Andrew Candid, Jamie Walker, Stevie Cripps, William Daniel, Mark Leanings, Jonathan Carvajal, Bryan Kearney, Karney, Sneijder, Indecent Noise
Pure Trance - 50 Trance Classics
Arc In The Sky, Hampshire and Nysse ft. Nikita, Thomas Datt, Darren Round, Icone, Realm F Versus Rankey, John Askew, John O'Callaghan and Bryan Kearney, Castaneda, Inertia, Stenna, Sensorica, Woody Van Eyden, Chris Hampshire, Shane 54, Tenthu, Anthony Dean and Starlett, Aled Mann, Frontline, O'Callaghan and Downey, Nicholas Bennison, Neal Scarborough, Gate 42, Digital Nature and Manuel Le Saux, Frase, Amadeus vs Aly and Fila, The Viceroy, Daniel Blanks, Kenidel Lopez, Graham Gold, Ben Gold, Deems, Sean Tyas, Tom Colontonio, Johan Ekman, Paul Miller Presents Contraption, Greg Downey, Mekk V, Anguilla Project Presents Star Industry, Graeme Harrison, Dreas, Vicky Devine, Mike Wind and Ron Malakai, Sterilis, Sly One vs Jurrane, Drama, Adam Routh, Grenz and Burian, Bissen, Tiff Lacey
Trance Top 55 - Part 1
Sami Saari, Climax 69, Ohm Boys, Avanto, Rene Ablaze, Cyres, Phalanx, Alex Bartlett, Andy Guess, Peaktwins, Vicky Devine, Saphara, Punisher, Enjoy, Paul Miller, Serenade, Static Blue, Harris Briggs, Cosmic Culture, Mr. Pit, Halifax, Dag, Shiodome, Xtranova, Paul Mendez, Zero3, Denga, Manus, P.H.A.T.T., Jennie Rix, Aqualon, Andy Hawk, DJ Tommyboy, DJ Choose, That Mucho
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