Latest Releases
Reflexions 2
Arkaik, Amoss, Fearful, Bredren, COMA, Sense MC, DAYLE, Ewol, Submarine, Survey, Kiril, Was A Be, Tom Small, Monty, Balatron, Taelimb, Philth, QZB, Euph, Corrupted, Hexoto, Ground, Brain, Semitone, HLZ, PRTCL, SVB, M-Soul & S27, Swift, Vorso, Hyroglifics, Sinic, Ak:Hash, Ordure, Ren, Dekko, Ben Fawce, Spyda, Bassi
Shogun Audio Presents: 2017
Moby, Technimatic, Rockwell, Ed:It, Pola & Bryson, Fourward, Friction, My Nu Leng, Joe Ford, Mitekiss, Loz Contreras, Macca (DNB), BLAKE (NZ), Ulterior Motive, Karma, Ben Verse, Malux, Lucy Kitchen, Submorphics, Christina Tamayo, Rene, Was A Be, Koherent, Neve, GLXY, QZB, Serum, Paul T & Edward Oberon
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