Latest Releases
Deep-House Circus, Vol. 1
Massivee, Jonas Stigma, Walter Nabiker, Weekend Warriors, Joshua Calderon, Selfless Suite, Robert de Baar, Push Entry, 88 Rhythms, Pallas, Sydney Rutledge, The Blinding, Steven Furbs, James Lory, Someone Blitz, Oscar Pimp, Paul & Smith, Norma Reagan, Owen Bridges, Deep Sound Of Love, Antonio Andali, Man Wrong, Pretty Isabell, Frank Dee, J. Francoise, Juicy Lotta, Living Large, W & N, Dallmon & Ray, Jaques Lacroix, Andrea Ferri, Vortex, Felicjan Gorski, Edo Romani, Martin Sonner, F.D. Project, Chill V, The Musix, Living John, Aksel Mogensen
Groove Nation (The Deep-House Edition), Vol. 3
Fashion Lovers, Robert Williams, Matteo Vanetti, Theodor Smith, Love Pacific Industries, The Sun Lovers, Southern Soul, Café Del Sol, Frank Funk, Jerry Santangelo, Francesco Castelli, Tom Jackson, Sunrise Elements, Fresh & Cream, Brown Balmelli, Funny Blunt Ensemble, Maxime Cooper, Phonik Font, Marina, Da Rich, Alexander Ortiz, Jason Nunez, Pallas, Jerry Gonzales, Ricardo Manuel, Jason Sherman, Grey Is Beautiful, Ampek Two, Jack Funk, Norman Vena
A Little Party Never Killed Nobody, Vol. 1
Erick Mendez, Konte Rosso, Alexandre Yives, Danny Plann, Pallas, Astor Puente, Pascal Grooves, Victoria Stanton, Tony Guess, Black Shine, Tony Queen, Cool Grooves Ensemble, Double MC, Pianola, Ibiza Guys, Martin Berlin, Stephan Sainkt Clair, Harley Franklin, Florian Wertmueller, Paul Welsh, Xenya, Kambusa, Alexander Sander, Frank Donovan, Konko, Robert Washington, Costa Longa
High Heels Grooves (Smooth Afterwork House Tunes), Vol. 2
James Woods, Adan Gonzales, Four Peace, Chill V, Nathan & Cole, Adriana Lopez, Brothers In Funk, Neon G, Innovation, Diego Polimeno, Coffee Shop, Johnny & Diego, Mr. Com, King Kay, Angel Delight, Kama, Canal Street, Habana 7, System 4, Blond Love Ensemble, Rebirth, Allan Brown, Nikoana, Pallas, 4th Floor, Cyprus Ensemble, Angel, Café Del Sol, Steven Porter, Feel Good, Roger Vega, Plaza, Alan Palmieri, Stephane Lazzaroni, DJ Cubano, Electric Avenue, Livin' Deluxe, Gee Cee, DJ R.Vega, Chill Groovers, Vincent Lucas
Endless Summer (Deep-House Cocktails), Vol. 3
Massivee, The Sunshine Preachers, Weekend Warriors, Jason Simmons, Pierce Grade, Leo Tonidis, Joshua Calderon, Music For Dreams, Selfless Suite, T Majewski, Sam Whittaker, Andrea Caloni, Continental Work, The Island Lovers, Robert de Baar, Skating Condition, Push Entry, Andy Fosforo, 88 Rhythms, Nickon, Pallas, Anders Perth, Sydney Rutledge, Raakel Myz, Someone Blitz, Dario J, The Blinding, Jay Deep, Steven Furbs, Primo Fever, James Lory, Perfectly Moody, Jonas Stigma, Allan James, Oscar Pimp, Michael Bourne, Paul & Smith, Only Parallax, Norma Reagan, Silence Signs, Owen Bridges, Morgan Swine, Walter Nabiker, Parfait Deblois, Antonio Andali, Pablo Salinas, Man Wrong, E.Q. Project, Pretty Isabell, The Sun Warriors
Addicted To Paradise, Vol. 1
Deeep Project, Vincent L, M.V And Jack, DJ Pete Pepper, C.N.P, History, Rico Bonetti, Vincenzo Vegas, The Musixx Orchestra, Angeline Greenfield, Cool Jaques, Peoko, Dj Kama, Fashion Grooves, Adrian Veyron, P.N.A., Flower's Way, Pascal, Dario D., Antonio Andali, Hannah Simmons, Pallas, Deep Zone, Angel Delight, Way Out System, Stephan Ferris, The Sunlovers, DJ R.Vega, Deep House Groovers, She DJ Tap Tap, Chill Groovers
Musica Feliz (Sunset Affairs), Vol. 2
Love City Orchestra, Endless Blue, Toby Le Bon, Feel Good, Ambient P., George Panseri, Plaza, Diego Polimeno, David Cevera, Kevin Martens Ensemble, Stefano Lombarda, Miguel Solano, Plaza del Sol, Deep Industries, Finest Quality Paper, Kama, Vaudano, Pallas, Atelieur du Soleil, Domenico Ferruggia, Canal Street, Francesco Castelli, Livin' Deluxe, Martinez, Junior D, Andrea Ferri, Walter Nabiker, E.Q. Project, W.N.P, Noise Club, The Street Prayers
Love Is The Rhythm (The Deep-House Edition), Vol. 4
K Groove, Tommy Martelli, Jason Simmons, Gold Rhythms, Anthony Chocco, Marco Ramirez, Summer Jam, Lucy Dee, Harley Coles, Miami Groove, Ennio Laan, Joe Picke, Jason Mandragora, Paul Lestelle, Ken Henderson, Sonoric Groove, Only Parallax, Norma Reagan, Silence Signs, Andy Fosforo, Superbass, Quadratik Mix, Paul & Smith, Nickon, Pallas, Ziox, Dario Jay, Nightstar, Anders Perth, Tonya Oliveras, Riccardo Felici, Jerry Gonzales, Lara Sunshine, Ricky Jones, Omar Norton, Yves Roquebrune, Paris Lacroix, John Sander, Robert Salden, Canterbury Feel, Slow Soul
Beach Trippin' (Deep-House Sandcastles), Vol. 2
Weekend Warriors, Pierce Grade, 88 Rhythms, Steven Furbs, Primo Fever, Leo Tonidis, Walter Nabiker, James Lory, Perfectly Moody, Jonas Stigma, Allan James, Oscar Pimp, Jay Deep, The Sunshine Preachers, Michael Bourne, Paul & Smith, Only Parallax, Norma Reagan, Silence Signs, Jason Simmons, Morgan Swine, Owen Bridges, Parfait Deblois, Anders Perth, Selfless Suite, Antonio Andali, The Sun Warriors, Pablo Salinas, The Blinding, Sydney Rutledge, Man Wrong, E.Q. Project, Pretty Isabell, Joshua Calderon, T Majewski, Massivee, Ziox, Nickon, Pallas, Sam Whittaker, Continental Work, The Island Lovers, Robert de Baar, The Creeping Stance, Skating Condition, Push Entry, Andy Fosforo, Music For Dreams, Raakel Myz, Someone Blitz
Let There Be Light (The Deep-House Prayers), Vol. 1
London Groove Society, Pierce Grade, Continental Work, Luca Bertoni, Push Entry, Yolette Mercure, Key Of Dreams, T Majewski, The Sunshine Preachers, Pallas, Jay Deep, Weekend Warriors, Robert de Baar, Leo Tonidis, Anders Perth, Oscar Pimp, Paul Klain, William Lauridsen, James Lory, Allan James, The Island Lovers, Andy Fosforo, Music For Dreams, Someone Blitz, The Expensive Watch
Sunday House, Vol. 1
Tony Guess, Black Diamond, Jason Chords, Tony Trumpetta, The Gigolo Style, Danny Plann, Norman Peters, Soul Express, Claude Fassen, Astor Puente, Frank Cotsa, Pablo Bianco, Philippe Laroche, Alexandre Yives, House Elevation, Anthony Maserati, Jeff Kann, Tony Queen, Plastic Jam, Leon Nacio, Deep London Project, Pallas, Monica James, Microgroove, Ben Weller, Martin Berlin
Summer House Cherries, Vol. 4
Network, Feel Good, Diba DJ, Ricky Martini, Roger Vega, Mabibaland, Allen Pacifico, Endless Blue, Plaza, Flower's Way, Chill Groovers, Nausicaa, Alan Palmieri, The Island Lovers, Gianfranco Beppe, Steven Porter, Ambient P., Converso, Stephane Lazzaroni, The Loungers, Riccardo Cerrini, DJ R.Vega, George Panseri, Gabriel Calia, Rudolfo Zoia, DJ Cubano, Deep Zone, Southside Souls, DJ Alex Rhythm, Electric Avenue, Music For Dreams, Den Minoggio, Livin´ Deluxe, Music Is The Answer, The Manhatten Groovers, Pallas, Pascal Mancino, Aurora, Gee Cee, Team Deluxe, Deep Water
Deep Del Mar (Ocean Drive Sunset Tunes), Vol. 4
W & N, Beach Lovers, Luici Riviera, Armando Gomez, Andy William, Matteo Vanetti, Brothers Inc., Walter Nabiker, Simon Drops, Lee Kay Johnson, Team Deluxe, The Manhatten Groovers, Pallas, Deep Water, Manuel Merlini, Spuma Beach, Steve Adams, 7, Mark Project, Deep Department, Guy Drummer, Alvin Camarano, Mark Beautiful, Luca Bertoni, Café Del Sol
Floating Bar (Funky House Spring and Summer Edition), Vol. 3
Adrian Veyron, London 54, Chill Ind., Kreeze, P.N.A., Durante & Bortolotto, Junior D, Red Passion, Fashion Grooves, Elise Marie Divina, X Style, T.H.S, Flower's Way, DJ Alex Rhythm, Chillhouse In T., Toby Le Bon, Pascal, Dario D., Dario Assenzo, The House Slaves, Stereo Deep, JL, Polimeno, Hannah Simmons, Peter Bloomfield, Groove 'o' Holics, DJ Hot Hands, Pallas, Eddie Q., Omar DJ, Ceruto & Millocca, Angel Delight, Tony Emme
Deep2Deep, Vol. 1 (Fresh & Funky Deep-House Tunes)
Chunky Elastic, Frank Dee, Chill V, Point of Soul, Martin Sonner, Blunt Pup, Deep Sound Of Love, Jay Deep, Lane Somerville, Deconstructed, Harley Coles, F.D. Project, The Musix, DJ Plinio, Aksel Mogensen, Dallmon & Ray, Mackenzie Burns, Evie Moore, Summer Jam, Ken Henderson, Jewel Sadness, Many Polly, Park Avenue, The Sun Warriors, She DJ Tap Tap, Jason Simmons, Diego J, Pierce Grade, Pallas, Oscar Pimp, Paul & Smith, Norma Reagan, Joshua Calderon, Walter Nabiker, Parfait Deblois, Man Wrong, Pretty Lawyer, 88 Rhythms, Massivee, Leo Tonidis, The Continental Work, Robert de Baar, Skating Condition, Andy Fosforo, DJ Ank, Raakel Myz, The Blinding
Deep-House Syndicate, Vol. 2
Weekend Warriors, Perfectly Moody, Robert de Baar, The Creeping Stance, Anders Perth, Steven Furbs, Oscar Pimp, Primo Fever, James Lory, Skating Condition, Allan James, Nickon, Jay Deep, Michael Bourne, The Island Lovers, Jonas Stigma, Andy Fosforo, Ziox, Pallas, Sydney Rutledge, Music For Dreams, Raakel Myz, Someone Blitz, The Blinding, Push Entry
This Is My Church, Vol. 3 (The Deep-House Edition)
Pierce Grade, Primo Fever, Pallas, Perfectly Moody, DJ Plinio, Allan James, Oscar Pimp, W.N.P, Jay Deep, Michael Bourne, Paul & Smith, Only Parallax, Norma Reagan, Silence Signs, Jason Simmons, Morgan Swine, Walter Nabiker, Owen Bridges, Parfait Deblois, Antonio Andali, The Sun Warriors, Pablo Salinas, Man Wrong, E.Q. Project, Pretty Lawyer
Cafe Tropicana, Vol. 2 (30 Well Selected Lounge Tracks)
Florito, Climatic, Alex Naevecke, Newton, Naoki Kenji, Gushi & Raffunk, The Sushi Club, Gerrit Van Der Meer, Ingo Herrmann, Peter Pearson, Pier O, Indian Merchant, Chris Le Blanc, David Garcia, MoVoX, Bildertal, Living Room, Steven Solveig, Isabel Belfonte, Area Code 51, Paulsen & Stryczek, Northbound, Angela Puxi, Roberto Sol, Marga Sol, Kama, Pallas, Aza's Lounge
Ibiza - Sleepless Island, Vol. 6
Massivee, Matteo Strocchi, Music Is The Answer, Joseph B, Deep Water, The Island Lovers, Ziox, Nickon, Free Sound, The Sun Warriors, Riccardo Felici, Tierrewu, Groove Inc., Leo Tonidis, DJ Joseph B, Tony Emme, Luca Bertoni, Anders Perth, Jonas Stigma, Dario J, Key Of Dreams, Montecristo, Andrea Caloni, Sir Joe, Joseph Brittanny, Mamo DJ, The Manhatten Groovers, Music For Dreams, Walter Nabiker, DJ Plinio, James Lory, E.Q. Project, Junior D, Louis Guerra, Matteo Vanetti, Rico Bonetti, Jerry Salvaro, Paul & Smith, Tiger Voltage, Andy Fosforo, Livin' Deluxe, Luici Riviera, Pallas, Patrick, Christian Luke, El Mono, Habana 7, Manuel Merlini
Waterfront Yoga Tunes, Vol. 4 (Relaxing Beach Yoga Moods)
Wilton De Grey, Peter Pearson, Kai French, Nova Casa, Charlie North, L'art Mystique, Gods Blue Chest, Denis Melody, L'Enigme Sacree, Christos Fourkis, David Garcia, Steven Solveig, Marie Therese, MoVoX, Matisse, Jury Jet, Bite My A, Delirium Spree Mechanism, Aandra, Bitter Sweet, Planet Lounge, The Sushi Club, Luca eight, Chris Le Blanc, Sunyata Project, Ingo Herrmann, Living Room, Luis Hermandez, Ambitus, C Reflex, Pallas
Big City Lounge, Vol. 4 (30 Late Night Tunes)
Armando Gomez, Walter N., Andrea Ferri, Junior D, Andrea Statham, Jerry Salvaro, Martinez, Antonio Andali, Summer Jam, Pallas, Ricardo Manuel, Matteo Vanetti, Juicy Lotta, W & N, She DJ Tap Tap, Walter Nabiker, DJ Plinio, The Sun Lovers, Eulises Gonzales, E.Q. Project, Rico Bonetti, Jerry, W.N.P, Jay Deep
Big City Lounge, Vol. 3 (30 Late Night Tunes)
Diego Polimeno, Alberto Vigano, Gabriele Johnson, Kama, Vaudano, Dr. Drummer, Love Pacific Industries, The Island Lovers, Domenico Ferruggia, M-Scilla, Pallas, The Manhatten Groovers, Luici Riviera, Café Del Sol, Deep Water, Houzestarr, Tiger Voltage, The Flyhigh Project, Tony Roja, System 4, Mistral, Martin Delay Project, Canal Street, Long Beach Grooves, Neon G, Gabriel Calia, Rudolfo Zoia, Francesco Castelli, F.D. Sound, Team Deluxe, Music Is The Answer, Livin' Deluxe, Electric Avenue
Groove Nation, Vol. 5 (25 Deep House Tunes)
Modell & Mercier, Luici Riviera, Cyprus Ensemble, Rick Loveland, Claude Simms, Habana 7, Pallas, Brothers In Funk, Chill V, Walter Nabiker, Martinez, Jerry Salvaro, Mallo House, Aurora, Crucial Love, Sander's Motel, Johnny Divine, Bryan Gonzalez, Sunrise Elements, Norman Vena, Brown Balmelli, Theodor Smith, Flowermann, Matteo Vanetti, Stephen Blackburn
Groove Nation, Vol. 2 (25 Deep House Tunes)
Tiger Voltage, Frank Funk, Walter N., Da Rich, Modell & Mercier, Alexander Ortiz, Spanish Harlem, Jason Nunez, Alex Frost, Pallas, Aurora, Ricardo Manuel, Basement Brothers, Jason Sherman, Armando Gomez, Grey Is Beautiful, DJ Plinio, Jeff Kanna, London Ensemble, Robert Williams, Long Island Groove, Ampek Two, Deep Spaces, Jack Funk, House Lovers
Fantastic Summer Tunes, Vol. 1
Electric Avenue, Christian Luke, Angel, Mistral, Café Del Sol, El Mono, Habana 7, Manuel Merlini, Domenico Ferruggia, Beat Extension, Francesco Castelli, F.D. Sound, Diba DJ, Deep Water, The Island Lovers, Den Minoggio, Livin' Deluxe, Music Is The Answer, Pallas, Team Deluxe, The Manhatten Groovers, Pascal Mancino, Aurora
A Chill House Affair, Vol. 4 (60 Fantastic Summer Tunes)
Eulises Gonzales, Jerry, Matteo Vanetti, Andrea Ferri, Pallas, Jerry Salvaro, Road Groove, Martinez, Beach Lovers, Antonio Andali, Francesco Demegni, Walter Nabiker, Juicy Lotta, L.O.V.E., Louis Guerra, E.Q. Project, Rico Bonetti, Sir Joe, Jay Deep, The Sun Warriors, DJ Plinio, Junior D, Zoia, W.N.P, Armando Gomez, DJ Pier, The Sun Lovers, Kreeze, A.D.P, Grey Is Beautiful, Walter N., Living Large, Ricardo Manuel, Diego J, Eddie Q., W & N, She DJ Tap Tap, Summer Jam, Park Avenue, Marco Malinverno, Gonzales Casal
Sweet Cherry Deep Ibiza (30 Balearic Deep House Tunes)
Antonio Andali, Jerry, Eulises Gonzales, The Sun Lovers, Beach Lovers, Walter N., DJ Plinio, Grey Is Beautiful, Armando Gomez, Ricardo Manuel, Diego J, Walter Nabiker, The Sun Warriors, Summer Jam, Juicy Lotta, Road Groove, W & N, Andrea Ferri, Junior D, Matteo Vanetti, Pallas, Jerry Salvaro, Martinez, L.O.V.E., Louis Guerra, Rico Bonetti, Sir Joe