Olaf Apholz

Born in norther germany, as a son of a ship's captain, Olaf was taken early on to ships, their giant diesel engines have left a lasting impression. The powerful rhythmic pounding on one, steel-built ship, you must have been more for a 10-year-olds than just a sound.A techno sounds similar event and it was already familiar, even when there were no such parties. 1996 12 "vinyl atBRAINTIST RECORDS BRA025 Olaf Apholz "Myzel"EP 1998 CD VOODOOBEATS 2Olaf Apholz "Time Code" 1999 12 "vinyl at Vodomania VD005 Olaf A. vs. S. Schmolke M.I.M.I. + A.K.19 2004 12 "white vinyl on their own label APWOOD RECORDINGS APW001 "Untitled" 2004 12 "Vinyl APWOOD REC APW003 2005 12 "clear vinyl on APWOOD REC. APW005Olaf Apholz "autoaggressiv" EP Various live acts in germany and various live

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