(Kollektiv Wiesbaden, Weplayminimal, Habitat Music Label,Capitol Input)Host of the Community Kollektiv Wiesbaden:Founded inearly 2013, "Kollektiv Wiesbaden" is a community of localartists and a project that attempts to foster Wiesbaden'scultural identity. Our main goal is to increase the number offree events in the area and encourage other people to jointhe movement. Since the idea is still in its early stage ofdevelopment we are currently focused on establishing anelectronic music scene that evolves in an absolute nonprofitenvironment. However, our vision goes far beyond that.It consists of an unprecedented and highly diverseassociation of artists who, by collaborating in an effort tomerge all different kinds of art, create a collective thatbenefits the audience's experience and the artists' viralityand opportunities.He is producing music in every genre.Forward ever, Backward never!