Latest Releases
Deep-House & Kisses, Vol. 1
Kara, Stefan Reh, London Guys, Jozef Kugler, Scot, Da Chello, Millfield, 86beat, Teddy Richards, Lemongrass, Jane Maximova, Miss Luna, Q Derhino, Raphael Laredo, Clownfish, Leach & Lezizmo, House Slaves, Orffee, Zinner, Lady Godiva, Cotton Animals, Francesco Diaz, Mikis Theodorakis, DBN, Cosmo Klein, Christos Fourkis, Ghebro, Dr. Beat, Paradise Ensemble, Marcelo Wallace, Deco, Nick Hart, Vanished, From Drop Till Dawn, Kevin H, Sir Joe, John Smith, Marc Hernandez, Paul Moana
Deep Spring, Vol. 2
Sebastian Marino, Patrick Chablais, Jason Hendrics, Ornery Hornet, Isaac Porter, Aerial Revision, Terry Jefferson, More Deep Project, Subsonic Aura, John Smith, Paul Stinner, Underground Diffusion, White Grooves, The Guardian, Exotic Twilight, Abstract Dreams, Mandragora, Kookers, Lock, Dark Keys, Ronny Gold, Sean Beatty, Cliff Palmer, Harley Johnson, Bradley Duncan, Mark Taylor, Paul Moana, Stuart Avalon, Torres Pueblo, Private Service, Deep Department
Winter Beats (Deep-House Tunes), Vol. 5
James Fever, Frankie Half, Saucy Journey, Official Plastic, Mark Taylor, Nathan James, Club Princess, 4th Eye, Sonic Dreams, Inline Crack, Colin Stuart Blawton, Steven Lukas, Chada, Jaque Lee, Ramos Germain, Liam Day, John Smith, Paul Moana, Ksix, Doug Dymo, Pseudo Nose, Oblivious Smudge, Sean Fowler, Justin Wittle, DGN, Hot Hands, Alex Martinez, Steven Harris, Carl Mikkelsen, Randy Cortez, Nonsense Hunter, Exotic Twilight, Jerry Mulligan, Deep Night Beats, The House Freelancers, Wayne Rodriguez, Danny Hay, Sonny Fasser, Christian Beljolio, Young Conversation, Danny Voxmann
Deep-House Rockets, Vol. 4
DGN, Tigger, Mora Orphey, Ibiza People, Thomas Walbrunnen, Kanosa, Alfred Greytto, Nataree Williams, Sonic Dreams, Liam Day, Danny Hay, Stuart Avalon, Da Soul, John Smith, Weight Cripple, Ksix, Simply Fault, Pseudo Nose, Hasty Lullaby, Oblivious Smudge, Cranking Ire, Exotic Twilight, Troy Sawyer, Paul Moana, Matthew Desalvo, Justin Wittle, Larry Derallo, Sean Fowler, Moover, Steven Harris, Carl Mikkelsen, Imogen Murray, Randy Cortez, Paul Perez, Nonsense Hunter, Doyle Braxton, Jerry Mulligan, Blackman, Deep Night Beats, Frank Baston, Steven Noir, City Cinema, Martin Sarrin
Like A Summer Day, Vol. 4
Jerry Salvaro, Walter Nabiker, Jonas Stigma, E.Q. Project, Antonio Andali, Louis Guerra, Matteo Vanetti, Junior D, Rico Bonetti, Sir Joe, The Sun Warriors, Andrea Statham, Jerry, Zoia, Kreeze, Jay Deep, Andrea Ferri, James Lory, Martinez, Grey Is Beautiful, Delano's Friends, Robert Greenford, Deep Massive, Da Soul, Paolo Warola, K Tonique, John Smith, Samoa Beach, Mark Dacosta, Sonic Dreams, Mark Taylor, Mandragora, Kobra, Soul Massive, Cygnus, Magnus Mignon, Massive Deep, Yves St. Clair, Blonde Lovers, Spanish Harlem, Miami Rhythm, Robert Williams, Solid Phonic, Kathy Cornell, Salvador Diqui, Marcus Goldfinger, Johnny Divine, Maurice White, The Sun Lovers, DJ Plinio
Deep-House Themes, Vol. 3
Sonic Dreams, Mischa Miller, Liam Day, Mandragora, Da Soul, Majestic, Epic Harmony, John Smith, New Attitude, Weight Cripple, Lauen Harriet Jason, Ksix, Tickling Earth, Simply Fault, Revolving Hamster, Pseudo Nose, Prophetic Solid, Hasty Lullaby, Jim Smith, Oblivious Smudge, Martin Sayz, Cranking Ire, Dynasty Spectacle, Exotic Twilight, Elements, Troy Sawyer, Alejandro Perez, DGN, Renee Alexandre, Paul Moana, Matthew Desalvo, Piano Lovers, Danny Hay, Club 88, Justin Wittle, Ken Tay, Frank Balcon, Smart Sounds, Nataree Williams, Hot Hands, Alex Martinez, Larry Derallo, Kobra
Ibiza - Sleepless Island, Vol. 3
Stuart Avalon, Private Service, Sonic Dreams, Samoa Beach, The Guardian, Subsonic Aura, John Smith, Karisma, Dean Franklin, Sebastian Marino, Sander Armando, Steven Harris, Torres Pueblo, Abstract Dreams, James Fever, 4th Eye, Moover, Frankie Half, Mark Taylor, Ksix, Frog In Fog, Golden Sun, Ismael Lasgon, Majestic, Epic Harmony, Patrick Chablais, Groove Hotel, Steven Light, Mark Dacosta, Justin Saruma, Deep Voyager, K Tonique, Johnny Divine, Marcus Goldfinger, Fashion Lovers, Diamond Marquees, Modell & Mercier, Kobra, Soul Massive, Deep Massive, Arthur Gary, Anthony Maserati, Mandragora, Walter Nabiker, Mark Torrell, Seven Elementz, Hamilton Riviera, Alexander Fourth, Beach Coffee Ensemble, Cygnus, Kathy Cornell, Armand Almeda
Deepest Grooves - 25 Deep House Tunes from the White Isle, Vol. 4
Da Soul, Walter Nabiker, Majestic, Epic Harmony, Ismael Lasgon, Golden Sun, Frog In Fog, Ksix, Mark Taylor, Steven Harris, Frankie Half, Moover, 4th Eye, James Fever, Stuart Avalon, Enrique Francoise Botteri, Mandragora, Patrick Chablais, Sander Armando, Sebastian Marino, John Smith, Private Service, Subsonic Aura, Samoa Beach, The Guardian, Sonic Dreams
Gorgeous Deep House Cuts, Vol. 3
Henrik Smooth, Solid Phonic, Saucy Journey, Jason Hendrics, Tickling Earth, Little Spottiswoode, Paolo Santos, Piet Lorrigan, Paul Stevens, Virtually Path, Theda, Ibiza People, Modell & Mercier, Karisma, Beach Coffee Ensemble, Alexander Fourth, Mandragora, John Smith, Torres Pueblo, Widows Tongue, Jonathan Baker
You're My Sunshine, You're My Sunset, but When the Night Falls, You're My Music, Vol. 01
Ismael Lasgon, Sebastian Marino, Walter Nabiker, Patrick Chablais, Erick Mendez, Dark Keys, Ronny Gold, Paul Moana, Tara Scott, Aerial Revision, Steve Riley, Jason Hendrics, Insane Surge, Ornery Hornet, Dead Can, Isaac Porter, Dry Static, Terry Jefferson, Alley Culture, More Deep Project, William Hurt, Subsonic Aura, Ksix, John Smith, Golden Sun, Paul Stinner, James Fever, Underground Diffusion, Boiled Heads, White Grooves, Mark Project, Exotic Twilight
Sweet Cherry Deep NEW YORK (30 Deep House Tunes)
Ismael Lasgon, Subsonic Aura, Ksix, John Smith, Golden Sun, Patrick Chablais, Walter Nabiker, Sebastian Marino, Paul Stinner, James Fever, Frankie Half, Moover, Sonic Dreams, Samuel Farris, C Shop, Epic Harmony, 4th Eye, Enrique Francoise Botteri, Da Soul, Frog In Fog, Abstract Dreams, Mark Taylor, Sander Armando, Stuart Avalon, New Attitude, Torres Pueblo, Mandragora, Samoa Beach, The Guardian, Private Service
The Chill House Session 04 - Destination Ibiza
Modell & Mercier, Cygnus, Sander Armando, John Smith, Patrick Chablais, Mandragora, Walter Nabiker, Anthony Maserati, Groove Hotel, Alexander Fourth, Sebastian Marino, Widows Tongue, Armand Almeda, C Shop, New Attitude, Paul Stinner, Samuel Farris, Claude Torelli, Sonic Dreams, The Guardian, Samoa Beach, Beach Coffee Ensemble, Karisma, Kathy Cornell, Johnny Divine, Diamond Marquees, Fashion Lovers, Marcus Goldfinger, Kobra, Mark Torrell, Steven Lake, Bradley Duncan, Deep Voyager, Arthur Gary, Deep Massive, Steven Light, Mark Dacosta, Hamilton Riviera, Justin Saruma, K Tonique
Deep Love Ibiza, Vol. 3
Deep Massive, Alexander Fourth, Cygnus, Modell & Mercier, Armand Almeda, Beach Coffee Ensemble, Karisma, Arthur Gary, Groove Hotel, Steven Light, Fashion Lovers, Samoa Beach, Mark Dacosta, K Tonique, Hamilton Riviera, Deep Voyager, Kathy Cornell, Johnny Divine, Diamond Marquees, Dean Franklin, C Shop, Steven Harris, Abstract Dreams, Private Service, Sonic Dreams, The Guardian, Subsonic Aura, John Smith, Sebastian Marino, Sander Armando, Patrick Chablais, Mandragora, Walter Nabiker, Enrique Francoise Botteri, Epic Harmony, Ismael Lasgon, New Attitude, Samuel Farris, Claude Torelli, Da Soul, Stuart Avalon, James Fever, 4th Eye, Moover, Frankie Half, Mark Taylor, Ksix, Frog In Fog, Golden Sun, Seven Elementz
Chill House Sensation Vol. 7 (60 Fantastic Summer Tunes)
Roberto Sol, Raphael Topas, Nova Casa, Bes & Meret, Martin Villeneuve, 8Barz, FUTR3, Mazelo Nostra, Christos Fourkis, MrP, Young Rebels, Francesco Diaz, Motel 21, Ivan Melnik, AMinusLex, Richard Grey, Honka, Sanfandisko, Laut & Leise, Tom Rain, Max Lyazgin, Son'X, Marcelo Wallace, Schaukelpferd, Lamliki, TRENDMONSTER, Facture, Alex Kafer, Fallow, Jozef Kugler, Zak Gee, Mario Chris, Profundo & Gomes, Ghebro, Eddie Amador, Dany Cohiba, Luca eight, Wilson Costa, Maggie B, Delano's Friends, Robert Greenford, Deep Massive, Da Soul, Paolo Warola, K Tonique, John Smith, Samoa Beach, Mark Dacosta, Sonic Dreams, Mark Taylor, Mandragora, Kobra, Cygnus, Magnus Mignon, Massive Deep, Yves St. Clair, Blonde Lovers, Spanish Harlem, Miami Rhythm, Robert Williams, Solid Phonic, Kathy Cornell, Salvador Diqui, Johnny Divine, Maurice White, Marcus Goldfinger