Latest Releases
Nocturnal Deep Grooves
Trapped Ambitions, Voodoo Obsessions, Lindon Lou, Kelly Chile, Oscar Seachlann, Wilburn Chase, Selby Napier, Philippe Antonin, Joe Porfirio, Harrison Keir, Zen Beat, Tracy Harrison, Tolly Brody, The House Freelancers, Shel Alton, Ruadh Munro, Producer Perez, Nataree Williams, Morley Valentine, Micah Sinjin
Deep-House Safari, Vol. 4
Cephalonya, Danny Soul, Ibeeza, Melanie Lovers, Frankie Paradise, Janny Paris, Club Princess, Anthony Smith, Exotic Twilight, Fifth Avenue's Ensemble, Paul Moana, Ember Nun, John Kain, Dirty Brothers, Tedd Easy, Danny Hay, Frank Baston, The House Freelancers, Tommy Martelli, Black Garden, Jungle Run, Club 88, DGN, Sonoya, Carl Erikson, Damon Douglas, Frank Scozzi, London Grooves, Francis Leone, Stephane Chazelle, Black Sunglasses
Deep Operation
Zen Beat, Vlassis Leonidas, Zackery Lyndon, Voodoo Obsessions, Santiago Rogers, Paradise Boutique, Peebee, Ruadh Munro, Pat Banzee, Nataree Williams, Producer Perez, Night Howls, Peter Ponno, Oscar Seachlann, Trapped Ambitions, Shel Alton, The House Freelancers, Smart Sounds, Unmistakable Emotions, Soapy Style, Tracy Harrison, Sonic Joiners, Tolly Brody, Spicy Patt, Night Masters
Unique and Appealing
Peebee, The House Freelancers, Trapped Ambitions, Pat Banzee, Tolly Brody, Voodoo Obsessions, Soapy Style, Peter Ponno, Sonic Joiners, Producer Perez, Ruadh Munro, Santiago Rogers, Zen Beat, Shel Alton, Tracy Harrison, Smart Sounds, Unmistakable Emotions, Spicy Patt, Vlassis Leonidas, Zackery Lyndon
House Gangsters
Softsoul, Paul Daveson, Robert White, Samuel Grand, Love Cascade, Graciano Adan, Producer Perez, Alex Benitez, Lord Emerald, City Cinema, Gerald Dillon, Flamingo Cult, The House Freelancers, Smart Sounds, Jeffrey Evans, Voodoo Obsessions, Trapped Ambitions, Jackett, Sonic Joiners, Christopher Latella, Trey Rudolph, Unmistakable Emotions, Starstik, Rich Fox, Sylvester King, 45 Rpm Bros
More Deep House Please
Trapped Ambitions, Soapy Style, Tracy Harrison, Sonic Joiners, Unmistakable Emotions, Tolly Brody, Voodoo Obsessions, Spicy Patt, The House Freelancers, Jeremy Braiden, Zen Beat, Joseph Teobaldo, Ken Kasey, Jean-Claude Pontigny, Kay Christopher, Johnny Weppol, Housemaster Mario, Jordan Sanchez, Zackery Lyndon, Love Cascade, Mandarin Temptations, Latin Revenge, Kurtis Wolf, Lord Emerald, Mauritian Rhythms
Deep Themes
Paradise Boutique, Nataree Williams, Armand Gucci, Paul Entone, Cheri Evonne, Paulie Park, Asius, Easy Sonik, Don Sander, Bank Of Sound, Deep Dome, Ble Groove, David Rimmell, Cocco Groove, Darrel Peterson, Trey Rudolph, Anthony Galvano, Ryan Leyton, Zeph Randell, Saponio, Voodoo Obsessions, The House Freelancers, Soapy Style, Unmistakable Emotions, Trapped Ambitions, Black Jag
Winter Beats (Deep-House Tunes), Vol. 5
James Fever, Frankie Half, Saucy Journey, Official Plastic, Mark Taylor, Nathan James, Club Princess, 4th Eye, Sonic Dreams, Inline Crack, Colin Stuart Blawton, Steven Lukas, Chada, Jaque Lee, Ramos Germain, Liam Day, John Smith, Paul Moana, Ksix, Doug Dymo, Pseudo Nose, Oblivious Smudge, Sean Fowler, Justin Wittle, DGN, Hot Hands, Alex Martinez, Steven Harris, Carl Mikkelsen, Randy Cortez, Nonsense Hunter, Exotic Twilight, Jerry Mulligan, Deep Night Beats, The House Freelancers, Wayne Rodriguez, Danny Hay, Sonny Fasser, Christian Beljolio, Young Conversation, Danny Voxmann
Hanging Around With A Deep-House Sound, Vol. 1
Fashion Grooves, Ibeeza, Melanie Lovers, Jason Groove Daniels, Frankie Paradise, Modell & Mercier, Club Princess, Sam Leger, DGN, Patrick Bee, Anthony Smith, Silk Yander, Exotic Twilight, Lil French, Fifth Avenue's Ensemble, Ark Of Principle, Paul Moana, Mark Laverd, Ember Nun, Deep Friends, The House Freelancers, Jean Claude Chagall, John Kain, Nicola Minella, Cephalonya, Black People, Dirty Brothers, Blue Terrace, Tedd Easy, Kobra, Dean Dee, Danny Hay
Deep 4 U, Vol. 7
Voodoo Obsessions, Kay Christopher, Zackery Lyndon, Joseph Teobaldo, Zen Beat, Jordan Sanchez, Housemaster Mario, Johnny Weppol, Jean-Claude Pontigny, Jeremy Braiden, Unmistakable Emotions, Shel Alton, Trapped Ambitions, Smart Sounds, Tracy Harrison, Soapy Style, Tolly Brody, Sonic Joiners, The House Freelancers, Spicy Patt, Peter Ponno, Santiago Rogers, Producer Perez, Rocco Rocks, Ruadh Munro
Deep-House Rockets, Vol. 3
Mischa Miller, Kobra, Piano Lovers, DGN, Modell & Mercier, Palm Martinez, Majestic, Epic Harmony, New Attitude, Lauen Harriet Jason, Mandragora, Tickling Earth, Revolving Hamster, Yves Roquebrune, Jim Smith, Martin Sayz, Dynasty Spectacle, Martin Jaquin, Alejandro Perez, Club 88, Ken Tay, Proof Clamour, Wayne Rodriguez, Smart Sounds, Hot Hands, Alex Martinez, Sebastian Marino, The Guardian, Frog In Fog, Paul Stinner, The Selfies, Stereo Kill, Prophetic Solid, Lone Base, Harley Johnson, Flushing Cork, Limmatt Quai, Danny Hay, Audrey Langston, The House Freelancers, MMQ Beats, Neat Stealth
Dream In Colour, Vol. 3 (The House Edition)
The Model Motel, The Lovers, Sumasutra, The House Freelancers, Peter Palmer, Tony Afrique, Steve Waxmann, Ibeeza Grooves, Gordon Pearson, House Lovers, Mr. Piano, Francis Leone, Steven Balfour, Tiaf Project, Saxgroove, Guar Ja, Tom Hato, Castle, Bromwich, Steven Martinez, Ryan Fuller, Christopher Latella, Patrick Doone, Candito, Paul York, Carlos Garcia, Subway Soul, Electronic Authority, Deep Icon, Alice Curtis, Basement Guys, Tony Stone
Naked Weekend (The Deep-House Affair), Vol. 4
Wicked Sounds, Zone Zero, Deepmagic, Marha, Deep Friends, Long Island Ensemble, The House Freelancers, DGN, Danny Hay, Lazy Hammond, John Kain, Maximilian Third, Cephalonya, Fashion Victims, Jean Claude Chagall, Nicola Minella, Club Royale, Black People, Miles Vries, Klod Rights, Trevor Fay, Dirty Brothers, Blue Terrace, Tedd Easy, Kobra, Dean Dee, Danny Bofill, Vinjay, Polina Grooves, Tanya Carlton, Stella Harmony, Silvano Del Gado, Paul Cutie, Spdj
Deep House Vibes Milan
Soulnight, Lenny London, U.M.S., Deep Associated, The Rain Company, 7th Dimension, Starduster, Ron Torel, Alexander Lovers, Anthony Kaiman, Solar Groove Ensemble, Sebastian Hector, Emo Ston, Jack Sax, Tedd Ferrenn, Dyba, The House Freelancers, Danny Soul, Bar Groovers, Vibe Lovers, Guru Pause, Jazzy Calabra, Jeff Kambusa, Last Reaction, More Soul, Philter Corporation, Nisa Loson, 1st Rhythm, Nixon Hamilton, 3rd Mind, 100K Miles, Amadej Guerrero, Tony Stone, V6
House Is Where The Heart Is, Vol. 4
Ibeeza Grooves, Jack Renson, Patrick Doone, Unmistakable Emotions, Castle, Bromwich, House Kingz, Saxgroove, Houseworkers, Candito, Harley Franklin, Francis Leone, Diskoo, Subway Soul, 4th Eye, Sumasutra, Paul Wells, Deep Icon, Ricky Molino, Basement Guys, Robert Caine, Tony Stone, Disco Grande, Paul York, Thomas Walbrunnen, The House Freelancers, Filter Beats, Christopher Latella, Blakee, Alice Curtis, Black People
Deep-House Themes, Vol. 4
Sebastian Marino, Sean Fowler, The Guardian, Moover, Frog In Fog, Steven Harris, Paul Stinner, Stuart Avalon, The Selfies, Carl Mikkelsen, Stereo Kill, Imogen Murray, Proof Clamour, Randy Cortez, Prophetic Solid, Paul Perez, Lone Base, Nonsense Hunter, Harley Johnson, Doyle Braxton, Flushing Cork, Jerry Mulligan, Limmatt Quai, Blackman, Danny Hay, Deep Night Beats, DGN, Frank Baston, Audrey Langston, Tom Sexton, The House Freelancers, Steven Noir, MMQ Beats, City Cinema, Wayne Rodriguez, Martin Sarrin, Grant Fergusson, Ibiza People, Neat Stealth, Steven Brady
Fresh & Cool (Fashion Deephouse Rhythms)
Delano's Friends, Nisa Loson, Molto Mojito, Philter Corporation, Markus Monson, Deep Lovers, Tony Trumpetta, Alexander Lovers, The House Freelancers, Sean Giles, Mail 77, Anthony Love, D Elements, Silver Jeff, Light Continental, Antony Kaiman, Jack Izzard, Gray Led, Magic City, Fashion Conzept, Sensation 24
It's Not Over
7th Dimension, Ay Em, Soulnight, Lenny London, U.M.S., Alexander Lovers, Sebastian Hector, Anthony Kaiman, Solar Groove Ensemble, Tedd Ferrenn, Starduster, Ron Torel, The House Freelancers, Adrian Sly, The Rain Company, Alaina Terta, Vibe Lovers, Baby Bo, Night Masters, Stephen Provost, Moon Fighters, Steven Bee
The Club Experience
Alex Benitez, City Cinema, Unmistakable Emotions, Producer Perez, Trey Rudolph, Smart Sounds, Sonic Joiners, Flamingo Cult, Christopher Latella, Gerald Dillon, Graciano Adan, Jeffrey Evans, Claude Fatton, Lord Emerald, Love Cascade, The House Freelancers, Trapped Ambitions, Voodoo Obsessions, Mark Delon, Jackett, Rich Fox, Starstik, Sylvester King, 45 Rpm Bros, The Capitalist, Alon Avalon, Care Yon, Damian Bontal, Franky Funky, Human Beats, Luy Garoche
Deep Paris, Vol. 8 (The Sound of Paris)
Mandarin Temptations, Love Cascade, Latin Revenge, Cactus Club, Hot Hands, Alex Martinez, Alejandro Perez, Funkadeluxe, The House Freelancers, Jay Jelato, Vibe Lovers, Yoshi Yoky, Kay Jay Ensemble, Martin McRich, Cosmic City, Alexander Callager, Frank Funk, Rudolph Ritzi, Guitarra Deep, Jeff Kambusa, Cool Rhythms, Lorentz Dennon, Sebastian Hector, Molto Mojito, Gaetan Gee, Tedd Farrenn, Blonde Lovers, Miami Rhythms's, Fashion Beats Lovers, Hamilton Riviera, Fresh, Cream
4 DJ's, Vol. 9
London Groove, Linda love, Sonic Joiners, Mandarin Temptations, The House Freelancers, Ay Em, Trapped Ambitions, Spicy Patt, Hot Hands, Alex Martinez, Love Cascade, Hairfunk, Volker Rain, Marius Populonius, Soul Express, David Romero, Paul Wax, House of Coco, Robert Cordoba, Florian Oriundo, John Marten, Quantic System