Latest Releases
Deep-House Weekender, Vol. 2
Doyle Braxton, Jean Claude Renner, Last Waves, Soul Express, Tony Ramblin, Patrik St John, Forty Four Seasons, Exotic Twilight, Delirious Bird, Inline Crack, Volker Rain, Diverse Vibe, 99 Deep Street, Marcus Jannay, Alvaro Jenez, Dirty Brothers, Richard Rochefeller, Marius Populonius, Factor 7, Cool Stars, Roy Phantazy, Bob Drum, Tom Farry, Invert Of Playground, San Garrauld, Deserted Trash, Lorenz Kataro, Isaac Porter, Jim Smith, Francis Chic, Flushing Cork, Desk Of Scarred, Fader Of Cruise, Hasty Lullaby, Michael Dumont, Daniel Grant, Festival Of Marine, Electronique Champagne, Gene Axton, Frozen Reverie, Paul Sutton
Barman Beats (Deep-House Shakers), Vol. 5
Paradise Boutique, Sander Armando, The Simian Shocker, Samuel Farris, Frozen Reverie, Exotic Twilight, Claude Torelli, Patrick Bee, Deep Moon Lovers, Patrick Chablais, Paolo Santos, Harley Franklin, Ornery Hornet, Norman Clarke, Radical Razors, Neat Recipe, Sonic Joiners, Mischa Miller, Dynasty Spectacle, Majestic, Epic Harmony, Lauen Harriet Jason, Revolving Hamster, Jim Smith, DGN, Ron Roquefold, Club 88, Nataree Williams, Danny Hay, Roger Carlos, Sandra Moon, Sebastian Marino, Frog In Fog, The Selfies, Proof Clamour, Lone Base, Flushing Cork, Audrey Langston, City Cinema, Neat Stealth, Ramon Delaisla, Stefan Pascho
Chocolate & Champagne (Deep-House Grooves), Vol. 1
Jay Morgan, Peter Abelsen, Alive & Kickin, Platinum Squirrel, The Simian Shocker, Stereo Kill, Proof Clamour, Solid Doom, Inline Crack, Sean Giles, Tyson McIntosh, Audrey Langston, Simply Fault, Jim Smith, The Dreamy Snapper, Oblivious Smudge, Pong Developers, Hasty Lullaby, Prophetic Solid, Exotic Twilight, Lone Base, Nkeebho, Official Plastic, Randy Cortez, Inside Timeline
Deep-House Rockets, Vol. 3
Mischa Miller, Kobra, Piano Lovers, DGN, Modell & Mercier, Palm Martinez, Majestic, Epic Harmony, New Attitude, Lauen Harriet Jason, Mandragora, Tickling Earth, Revolving Hamster, Yves Roquebrune, Jim Smith, Martin Sayz, Dynasty Spectacle, Martin Jaquin, Alejandro Perez, Club 88, Ken Tay, Proof Clamour, Wayne Rodriguez, Smart Sounds, Hot Hands, Alex Martinez, Sebastian Marino, The Guardian, Frog In Fog, Paul Stinner, The Selfies, Stereo Kill, Prophetic Solid, Lone Base, Harley Johnson, Flushing Cork, Limmatt Quai, Danny Hay, Audrey Langston, The House Freelancers, MMQ Beats, Neat Stealth
Deep-House Themes, Vol. 3
Sonic Dreams, Mischa Miller, Liam Day, Mandragora, Da Soul, Majestic, Epic Harmony, John Smith, New Attitude, Weight Cripple, Lauen Harriet Jason, Ksix, Tickling Earth, Simply Fault, Revolving Hamster, Pseudo Nose, Prophetic Solid, Hasty Lullaby, Jim Smith, Oblivious Smudge, Martin Sayz, Cranking Ire, Dynasty Spectacle, Exotic Twilight, Elements, Troy Sawyer, Alejandro Perez, DGN, Renee Alexandre, Paul Moana, Matthew Desalvo, Piano Lovers, Danny Hay, Club 88, Justin Wittle, Ken Tay, Frank Balcon, Smart Sounds, Nataree Williams, Hot Hands, Alex Martinez, Larry Derallo, Kobra
Who's Gonna Drive You Home Tonight (25 Deep-House Weekenders) Vol. 5
Invert Of Playground, Patrik St John, Inline Crack, San Garrauld, Deserted Trash, Daniel Grant, Lorenz Kataro, Tony Ramblin, Isaac Porter, Jim Smith, Francis Chic, Richard Rochefeller, Philip Grant, Jaque Lee, Sander Dee, Corinna Barclays, David Ayres, Delirious Bird, Jonathan Baker, Hasty Lullaby, Paul Perez, Exotic Twilight, Sebstian Sunford, Chia Pets, Jacob Falcon
Deep Summer Opening Sensation 2016
Imogen Murray, Official Plastic, Mourning Yum, Oblivious Smudge, Neat Recipe, Neat Stealth, Jim Smith, The Secure Piece, Liam Day, Old School Effect, Nkeebho, Nonsense Hunter, Piet Lorrigan, Platinum Squirrel, Simply Fault, Jay Morgan, Michael Ellis, Lunatic Youth, Jaque Lee, Inline Crack, Leo Pard, Level Of Encore, Lone Base, Martin Stockwood, Progressive Color, Proof Clamour, Shooting Genus, Prophetic Solid, Solid Doom, Sonic Dreams, The Simian Shocker, Variety Surf, The Dreamy Snapper, Weight Cripple, Sean Fowler, Saucy Journey, Sean Beatty, Jay Florres, Positive Lake, Possessed Orbit, Tyson McIntosh, Pseudo Nose, Solide State, Revolving Hamster, Randy Cortez, Jack White