- Jf Lee, Italian Dj Producer, based in Garda Lake, Brescia, the old capital of techno dance and Afro Typhoon / Cosmic music! - Label owner: Arrossdisco records & Dark Mode Records. - Background: Pink Floyd, Kraftwerk, Giorgio Moroder, Aphex Twin, Drexciya, Legowelt, Dave Clarke, Dj Hell, Anthony Rother, Rex The Dog, Terence Fixmar, Principleasure, Daft Punk, Todd Terje, Bryan Ferry, The Doors, Led Zeppelin, James Brown and many others " - MUSIC: Epic debut when the "Baron of Techno 'Dave Clarke chooses to" play "his first production:" White Night "(included in the compilation" I CIELI DI ORIONE vol 2 ") remained in the charts for 2 weeks" episodes 395 and 399 of "White Noise", the radio program that Dave Clarke produces every week for the Irish broadcaster RTE 2fm (www.rte.ie/2fm/white-noise /) ". Later