
Featherman was born on 13 September 1991 as René Artzin Rheden, the Netherlands.It soon became very clear that he enjoyed music very much.Recording music on tapes, rewinding tapes with a penciland then relisten it was not an unusual way of spending theday for Featherman.During the following years his interest for music expandedand at the age of 17 he played his first DJ set. A few weekslater, he was a resident DJ at Bar XO in Arnhem.Featherman was trying to improve himself every day. Hours,days, weeks and months passed by while improving his DJskills, burning tracks to CDs, making track lists and visitingclubs. Everything to develop himself.A few months later he realized that he had to do more togrow as a professional DJ. The problem was that he did notknow how

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